Maine Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

You are afraid to wait to start rehab! You know you need help now. But you are also afraid that you’ll choose the wrong rehab center. Addiction Treatment Services is here right now to help you find the best options and get you into treatment.

Addiction Treatment Centers in Maine


It isn’t just the program that is most important; it is the treatment that is individualized to the addict’s or alcoholic’s needs that gives the best chance for recovery. Not all substance abuse rehab programs tailor their treatment to the person taking part in them. Addiction Treatment Services will make sure that you are considering drug and alcohol treatment centers that meet or exceed our own standards for individualized care.

Selecting the best Maine addiction treatment center

We’ll also help you make the best decision about in-state or out-of-state treatment. For most people, it is best to have geographic separation for effective rehab and to avoid relapse in the future. In fact, going to a rehab center just because it is nearby is a common mistake made by people seeking drug and alcohol treatment.

When you are finally ready for rehab, your sole focus and commitment must be on making recovery a reality.

At first glance, it seems important to be close to home for treatment, to get support from family and friends. But often the negative influences and enabling behavior is what has kept someone from truly entering life-long recovery. Going to rehab distant from home is usually the best option for recovery!

Addiction in Maine

Maine is currently ranked the 6th worst state in the US for overdose-related deaths, with 354 deaths just in 2017. While facing and overcoming addiction is severe enough, attempting to do so alone can quickly result in giving into temptation and relapsing. Seeking help from an addiction rehab treatment center or program in Maine is one way for you to get your life back on track without falling back to using drugs, alcohol, or even prescription medications to cope with everyday life.

Addiction rehab treatment services have come a long way with various solutions that are highly individualized. Whether you are seeking a program that requires you to live within a designated premise or if you are looking to retain your job as you work through your sobriety, there are many resources for addiction available throughout the state of Maine today. Before you make a significant decision about your addiction and the future you want for yourself, learn more about the various addiction rehab treatment services you have available near you.

Why Addiction Treatment Services Matter

Seeking help for an addiction is never easy, especially for individuals who have relapsed in the past or for those who have difficulties admitting that they are struggling with addiction. Even once an individual has declared that they have a habit that requires attention, it can become stressful and overwhelming for them to begin researching and comparing available options.

Addiction treatment services help prevent relapses among those who have struggled with long-term addictions and addictions that have become seriously dangerous or life-threatening. Without addiction treatment services, you are much more likely to return to using drugs and alcohol, especially with a lack of support and guidance throughout the process of living a sober lifestyle.

Some of the benefits that addiction rehab treatment services offered to those in need include:

  • Options: Rather than feeling as if you do not have a place to go, addiction rehab treatment services help to provide a path to sobriety. You do not have to contact as if you are out of options with various addiction rehab treatment resources near you.
  • Community: Feel welcomed into a warm and inviting environment whether you determine that an inpatient or an outpatient rehab program is ideal for you. Addiction rehab centers focus on building a sense of community among all individuals who have struggled with addiction in the past or are still struggling to overcome their addictions.
  • Medical Support: Work with medical professionals and staff who specialize in addictions, withdrawal symptoms, and preventing relapse with a variety of addiction treatment programs and services (both inpatient and outpatient).
  • Counseling and Therapy: One of the essential tools involved in overcoming addiction includes the ability to communicate. Communication is a crucial component necessary to express your feelings, fears, emotions, and goals while working towards living a life of sobriety. Both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs offer counseling, group therapy sessions, and even individual therapy to help with confronting and eliminating addiction from your life.

Inpatient Rehabilitation Treatment Programs and Facilities

With the growing epidemic of opioid abuse, opioid addiction, and even opioid synthetics on the market, it is no wonder that inpatient rehabilitation facilities are in demand more than ever. An inpatient rehabilitation center is a facility that houses individuals who require assistance with overcoming their addictions.

With an inpatient rehab center, you are required to live within the rehab facility itself while you work towards completing the program you have chosen or have been given. Most inpatient rehab programs are 30, 60, and 90 days long, although it may be possible to remain at the center if necessary, depending on the severity of your addiction.

Inpatient facilities are ideal for:

  • Individuals who are experiencing addiction for the very first time.
  • Individuals who have relapsed in the past and want to prevent a relapse in the future
  • Those who have tried alternative outpatient rehab programs with little to no success.
  • Anyone vulnerable to external temptations when they are not under constant monitoring and supervision.
  • Individuals with a lack of impulse control.

Services at Inpatient Rehabilitation Centers:

  • Dual Diagnosis: If you require dual diagnosis for diagnosed or undiagnosed mental illnesses, an inpatient rehabilitation center is optimal.
  • Detox: Detox programs that are medically-monitored are also provided with inpatient treatment programs.
  • Counseling: Regularly meet with an addiction counselor to discuss your emotions, goals, and fears while facing your addiction-head on and working towards overcoming it.
  • Group Therapy: Get to know other individuals in your inpatient rehab program with regular group therapy meetings. Spend time with likeminded individuals who have also faced addiction and the struggles that come with the process of living a sober lifestyle.
  • Case Management: Work with a case manager who is specifically assigned to your case. Create an effective plan of action that is right for you while you are in the inpatient rehabilitation facility of your choice. Ask questions and inquire about aftercare resources with your case manager before starting your treatment.
  • Access to Aftercare Resources: Gain access to aftercare resources, which are necessary even after completing an inpatient rehab program. Aftercare resources may include sponsor meetings, counseling, and follow-ups with medical professionals to ensure you remain drug and alcohol-free after you leave the inpatient treatment center.

Alternative Outpatient Programs

For those who cannot relocate or leave their jobs and homes, there are alternative addiction rehab treatment services apart from inpatient rehab centers. Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) services are also available across the country for anyone who is struggling with addiction, regardless of the severity of the addiction itself.

Traditional Outpatient Programs and Services

Outpatient programs have been around since the dawn of drug and alcohol abuse. With most outpatient programs, there are fewer rules, restrictions, and requirements, allowing you to attend as needed with less accountability than an inpatient program. However, outpatient programs are precious to those in need of social interaction and a sense of community among others who understand their situation.

Outpatient programs typically involve individual counseling sessions, group therapy meetings, and even sponsor programs or gatherings. Becoming a sponsor or obtaining a sponsor is a great way to remain an active member of the recovery community in your area, helping you to steer clear from temptation while preventing a potential relapse.

Consider an Intensive Outpatient Program

Along with traditional outpatient programs, there is also an intensive outpatient program or IOP solution. Intensive outpatient programs include similarities from both inpatient rehab centers as well as conventional outpatient programs such as group therapy and sponsor meetings. With intensive outpatient programs, take advantage of different services such as detox programs as well as access to medical staff without having to relocate or quit your job to stay in an inpatient facility while completing your treatment.

Moving past addiction and on with your life does not have to feel like an uphill battle, especially with an addiction rehab treatment program that genuinely tends to your needs. Whether you have always struggled with addiction throughout your life or if you are facing addiction for the very first time, the right addiction rehab center or facility can drastically change the course and outlook of your life and the future you want for yourself.

Addiction Treatment Services has professional links to many highly regarded and credentialed rehab facilities all across the United States. We won’t suggest any drug and alcohol treatment facility that doesn’t share our own core value of individualized and client-centered care.

Call us now and we’ll see which one of our addiction treatment partners best meets your specific needs.