Pittsburgh Inpatient Addiction Treatment Info

It can be tricky to find a drug and alcohol rehab facility in Pittsburgh, but Addiction Treatment Services can help you out. When you call us, we’ll verify your insurance benefits and help you find a rehab center that’s in-network. We strive to make it so you can focus on your recovery as much as possible instead of trying to make sense of complicated insurance details and treatment options on your own.

Pennsylvania is one of the states that has been hit the hardest by the nationwide opioid epidemic. Now, more than ever, there are people who are in need of professional addiction recovery treatment that may not know where to start looking for help. That’s where we come in. Addiction Treatment Services can help you find a drug and alcohol rehab treatment center in Pittsburgh that meets your needs.

We Can Help – Call Now (877) 455-0055

Rehab Treatment in Pittsburgh

At Addiction Treatment Services, it’s our goal to help people find the drug and alcohol abuse treatment that will be the most effective in helping them reach their recovery and sobriety goals. When you call us, we’ll verify your insurance coverage for rehab treatment, help you find out what types of treatment would best suit your situation, and make sure you aware of any out of pocket costs that may be expected of you.

Many traditional rehab treatment options work well with drug and alcohol addictions equally, as well as being effective against less extreme instances of substance dependency and abuse. In some situations, additional intensive and individualized treatment may be needed in order for a patient to get the most effective treatment possible.

Some of the more common alcohol and drug abuse treatment options available in Pittsburgh include:

  • Detoxification programs
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Medically Assisted Treatment (usually for heroin or opioid addiction)

Thankfully, behavioral health has started being taken more seriously in regard to treating addictions. Integrated treatment facilities, which specialize in dual diagnosis treatment, are gaining popularity, while other treatment centers are also starting to put more focus into the mental health side of alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Emotional and mental health issues, such as behavioral health concerns and mental disorders, are often an underlying cause of addition that can sometimes be overlooked or left untreated. By focusing on the psychological side of addiction, the chances of a successful recovery increased dramatically.

We Can Help – Call Now (877) 455-0055

Let Us Help You Find a Treatment Center in Pittsburgh

We want to help you reach your recovery goals. Whether you’re looking for treatment near Pittsburgh or somewhere else, we’re ready and waiting to help. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7, so call us now to get started.

pittsburgh inpatient drug and alcohol rehab