Substance Abuse Magnified: The Most Addictive Drugs Currently Available?
Within the realm of addiction and substance abuse lies a world of intoxicants that plague patients and cause them to live unhealthy lifestyles. Whether you’re a parent of a person that needs addiction treatment or someone that suffers from it themselves, here are the substances that can cause the most damage. While this article may not cover the entire spectrum of chemicals that can be abused, it showcases the ones that we deem the most addictive drugs. If you or a loved one rely on any of the substances listed below, reach out for help today.
Pharmaceutical-grade opiates are a double-edged sword: many patients that have gotten surgery or suffer from chronic pain rely on these medications a way to maintain their daily lives. The trouble begins to arise when patients start using their medication not as a way to treat their pain, but as a means to experience euphoria. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 100 individuals die from opioid abuse within the United States every day. With statistics like this, it’s easy to see why opioid abuse ranks at the top of our list.
The danger with alcohol arises from how readily available it is for the average consumer to get their hands on. Walking into a convenience store or gas station gives them a plethora of options to drown their sorrow and ease the pain. While many individuals find it easy to resist the temptation, alcoholics are caught in a tricky predicament. Although the mainstream population may view alcohol as a pleasantry reserved for celebratory occasions, addicts see it as an opportunity to experience euphoria and intoxication.?

Nicotine has long been used as a seductive way of enhancing a situation. Instead, it’s on the big screen when movie stars are casually talking in a scene or as a way to pass the time while you’re waiting, smoking has become a problem of epic proportions. Smoking has become so prevalent within the recovery process that many addiction counselors have overlooked the behavior. While we may have been successful in getting the patient off drugs, nicotine plays a significant role in the individual’s life in the long run. Knowing this, we need to insist that patients in recovery refrain from ingesting nicotine during their recovery process entirely.
Cocaine and Amphetamines
Cocaine and amphetamines have long been used as a way to enhance one’s senses and keep the party going for extended periods. Moreover, former addicts have revealed that they relied on the substances as a way of prolonging their ability to work without needing to stop for rest. When cocaine and amphetamines are introduced into the system, the heart begins to race, euphoria takes over, blood vessels become stressed, and the user is overcome with boundless energy. For this reason, cocaine and amphetamines rank highly in our list of most addictive drugs that a person can ingest.
Heroin, much like opiates, is an extreme way of dulling the senses and experiencing euphoria. This drug knows no bounds and does not discriminate against gender, religion, age, or educational background. People from all over the globe wrestle with heroin addiction and struggle to tame their cravings without the assistance of medical professionals.
One of the leading problems with chronic heroin use is how much devastation it causes in the patient’s life. Motivation becomes non-existent, their health begins to dwindle, eating food becomes a rarity, and their outlook on life becomes bleak. Intravenous injections also carry the risk of spreading harmful diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Heroin, without a doubt, is one of the most addictive drugs on the planet today.
Taking Control
The way that substance-abuse specialists and addiction counselors can help their patients is by educating them on the longterm effects of chronic drug abuse. We need to accurately describe the type of lives these patients will lead if they continue on their path of destruction. By doing this, we can introduce healthy habits and regimens that support their goals and facilitate a life of sobriety. If you know someone that is struggling in silence, address the issue before it’s too late.