Our Mission
Addiction Treatment Services is a website created to provide people with information on substance abuse treatment. We are not an addiction treatment program, and do not provide rehabilitation services, we only provide helpful information and should not be a substitute for professional medial advice from a doctor. To find a program near you we recommend visiting https://www.samhsa.gov/
Interventions & Admissions

When a family member is struggling with addiction, often the only way to get through to them is by organizing an intervention. There is a misunderstanding that an intervention is simply gathering as many loved ones in a room as possible, then ambushing the addicted person with requests to get help. Sometimes, interventions are staged without the help of an addiction counsellor or intervention therapist.
This is a mistake. A proper intervention is made up of a series of steps:
1. An Intervention Specialist will coach the family regarding any behaviors that might enable or encourage the addiction.
2. A Treatment Path or a series of treatment options will be organized to present to the addict at the time of intervention.
3. Once the intervention begins, loved ones will work with the guidance of the intervention specialist to calmly present to the addict their desire for him or her to get help.
4. As soon as the addicted person agrees to get help, they will be guided into their treatment program.
Who We Serve
We are committed to offering addiction treatment services to anyone who needs them, including those belonging to the following demographics:
The LGBTQIA Community
Substance abuse is higher within the LGBTQIA community than in any other demographic, according to The American Journal of Public Health, with between 20 and 30 percent of the community have reported issues with drugs or alcohol at some point in their life as opposed to 8.4 percent of the rest of the population reporting the same issues.
Despite vastly being considered the minority, an estimated 11 percent of Americans identify as LGBTQIA, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, or Asexual. Although acceptance of the community is rising, there is still social stigma and discrimination to be dealt with.
Because the LGBTQIA community faces higher-than-average discrimination, they are at higher-than-average risk of developing various mental and behavioural issues. This includes substance abuse and addiction.
When drugs or alcohol become a coping mechanism, they can be especially hard to quit. Further, many treatment facilities don’t serve certain members of the LGBTQIA community because of blurry house rules regarding mixed gender residents, which can leave the community hesitant to reach out.
Here, we believe that all people deserve a helping hand and that accommodations can be made to help anyone who seeks to live a better, healthier life. We can help find better-coping mechanisms that will lend to the sobriety of you or your loved one for years to come.
High School Athletes
Is your high school athlete struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction? You need to know you aren’t alone.
Recent studies have shown that participation in school sports may increase the risk of substance abuse and addiction in teenagers. Teenage athletes are up to three times more likely to engage in drug or alcohol abuse than non-athletes.
The most popular addictive substance among this demographic is alcohol, and student-athletes are more likely than others to indulge. The reason behind this statistic was unclear, though one can speculate that it has to do with the partying involved in the student-athlete cliques that have been prevalent for nearly a century.
Furthermore, up to 12 percent of student-athletes have admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs and as many as 11 percents have abused prescription pain-killers.
There is a tremendous amount of stress placed on student-athletes to perform well.
Often, their entire future can seem to hinge on whether or not they get a scholarship based on their athletic performance. As such, their athletics can take precedence over their academics, their social lives, and even their own health.
College Students
College students often face drug and alcohol addiction issues for several reasons.
Most commonly, college students face peer pressure. This is a time when young people are first really stepping into their own and figuring out whom they are going to be. Part of this is developing a social circle, so the desire to fit in will always influence thoughts, decisions, feelings, and behaviour.
Many young people who end up abusing drugs and alcohol are first introduced to these substances by their peers.
College students are also likely to self medicate for anxiety and depression. Students in this age demographic are more likely to experience anxiety and depression because they are at the most stressful point in life thus far. Abusing drugs and alcohol often seems like an easy way to calm down or feel better. In the long run, though, it is a contributing factor to the further deterioration of mental health.
There is now a high demand for rehab options that work well with the needs of college students. Because social stigma is such a deterrent to this age group seeking help, we have specially designed programs to not only get college students sober but to protect their anonymity throughout the process and without putting their education at risk.
One of the most unfortunate truths of our time is that many of our veterans struggle when they return home from service. It is estimated that nearly a third of veterans struggle with PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This often leads to self-medication through drug or alcohol addiction.
It is also not uncommon for the injuries associated with service to lead to addiction, as well. When a veteran is prescribed pain-killers or steroids to overcome their injury, a dependency may erupt.
Because veterans are often trained to believe that any mental health or physical ailment is a weakness, they are the least likely demographic to ask for help, even when they know their addiction is spinning out of control.
We already discussed high school athletes, but teens, in general, are also at risk of developing addiction issues.
At this age, kids are experimenting, and often they choose to experiment with things they’ve been told to stay away from. There is a tendency to want to find out what the big deal is. Sadly, this is how addiction hooks its most vulnerable victims.
The temporarily good feeling of being high or intoxicated can lead to kids feeling like they are not at risk of having problems. They might even encourage their friends and other peers to engage in this risky behaviour with them.
Teens are also very socially-driven, and teens who struggle to fit in often find themselves more willing to take part in risky behaviour to find an in with a crowd. Drinking and doing drugs is usually a good way (at least in their minds) to gain a sense of belonging.
Because of the hormonal changes during this period of life, mental health may also suffer, leading to the same kind of self-medication that we see in college students.
Services Offered
The act of overcoming addiction is a multi-step process. Here at ATS, we can help you hit each mark along the way.
The first step in the process is to detox, and this can be done in a variety of ways.
What we offer:
-Ambulatory Detox, which is detoxing on your own outside of the facility under the supervision of a therapist and medical professional
-Non-Medical Residential Detox, which is an inpatient detoxification process with around-the-clock monitoring, but no chemical assistance.
-Clinically-Managed Residential Detox, which takes place outside of a medical facility, but under the management of healthcare professionals.
-Medically Supervised Detox, which is often reserved for the most severe cases and those at risk of complications due to withdrawal. This is an inpatient process under the supervision of medical professionals using chemical assistance to curb the effects of the detox.
Inpatient Residential Treatment
Residential Inpatient Treatment involves living in a facility, often with other addicts, and working closely with medical and mental health professionals to not only kick the chemical side of the addiction but work through the emotional aspects, as well.
In Inpatient Residential Treatment, you can receive education on relapse prevention, opportunities to rebuild trust with loved ones, specialized treatment to your individual needs, a private place to stay where your stressors are limited, mental health care, and help for planning your future.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient Treatment means help is received while the patient is living outside of a facility and in their own home or the home of a loved one, under the close supervision of their care team.
Outpatient treatment is not often effective as a first step, particularly with those who are struggling to kick their addictions. It can be an effective in between option, though, for those who need to learn how to navigate the world in their newfound sobriety.
The benefits of outpatient treatment are the freedom to maintain a job and school and be with family and other loved ones.
One of the key aspects of outpatient treatment is a focus on relapse prevention. During outpatient treatment, you or your loved one will learn how to navigate the stressors and complications of life without turning back to their old addiction. The assigned care team will be available at all times to ensure success. All the patient has to do is reach out.