Are you or a loved one struggling with an addiction to hallucinogens? Keep reading to learn about some of the common hallucinogens symptoms and warning signs.

Symptoms of Addiction to Hallucinogens

Unlike other drugs, such as alcohol or opiates, it isn’t really possible to hide the fact that you’re on hallucinogens. Someone who’s on hallucinogens may struggle to complete even the most basic of tasks.

When someone takes a psychedelic hallucinogen, such as LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, they may experience rapid mood swings. And they may even lose the ability to think rationally and communicate with others.

Unlike drugs like heroin and alcohol, most hallucinogens do not have a very high potential for addiction. It’s rare to see anyone take a psychedelic like LSD every day.

Short-term tolerance builds quickly. This means if you want to trip on LSD for consecutive days, you’ll need to keep upping the dose.

Ketamine is a dissociative hallucinogen. So if you use it frequently, you run the risk of developing bladder issues. People who abuse ketamine may need to go to the bathroom much more frequently than those who don’t.

Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder

If you use hallucinogens, you run the risk of developing hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder. If you develop this disorder, you may see constant visual hallucinations called “visual snow”.

Not much is known about this condition. It appears that the only possible cause is the consumption of psychedelic drugs at some point.

When hallucinogens are used frequently, the chances of experiencing a “bad trip” goes up significantly. During a bad trip, you might completely lose contact with reality.

You might also have delusional and psychotic thoughts. This could lead to you getting in trouble. You might cause problems with your relationships due to your erratic behavior or you might be arrested.

In some cases, people under the influence of hallucinogens will try to harm themselves or others. Sometimes, this is deliberate, but other times, it’s accidental.

Warning Signs a Loved One May Be Abusing Hallucinogens

Some hallucinogens are easier to hide than others.

If your loved one is taking LSD, for instance, they will have a very hard time hiding it. This is because a typical LSD trip can last for as long as 10 hours.

During that time, your loved one will have a difficult time communicating like they normally would. They might struggle to form meaningful sentences or they might take awkwardly long pauses. If your loved one avoids contacting you for long periods of time, it could be an indication they’re using hallucinogens.

Other hallucinogens, such as DMT, are a little more difficult to detect. A typical DMT trip only lasts around twenty minutes to half an hour. Other drugs, like salvia, can last as little as 5 minutes.

You might not notice the actual effects of the drug in your loved one, but you may notice the after-effects.

If they’re abusing psychedelic drugs, they may exhibit personality changes. They may begin to express an interest in existential subjects, such as philosophy or religion. They might also experience mood swings, or depression and anxiety.

There is less of a stigma surrounding hallucinogens than other drugs, like heroin or cocaine. If you suspect your loved one is using psychedelics, you could just try asking them about it. There is a chance that they’ll be open with you about their experiences.

Is My Child Using Hallucinogens?

A child should not be using hallucinogenic drugs, as it could be very harmful to their development. In a child, effects like mood swings, paranoia, and depression will be much more noticeable. If you notice a significant personality change in your child, it could be the result of taking hallucinogens.

They’ll almost certainly avoid communicating with you any way while they’re under the influence of any hallucinogens. This is because it’s extremely difficult to hide the effects. If your child tries to avoid contact with you for a whole day, this could signal they’re using some sort of hallucinogen.

In some cases, hallucinogens may be bought online. Drugs like LSD are extremely easy to send in the mail. The drug comes on sheets of paper and it’s very difficult to detect.

If your child is acting strangely and receiving a lot of mail, it could indicate that they’re involved in hallucinogens.

Is My Parent Using Hallucinogens?

If your parents are using hallucinogens while you’re around, it should be fairly obvious. If someone is tripping, it might appear that they’re suffering from a mental illness, like schizophrenia. They’ll likely behave in such a way that is not typical of their everyday behavior.

For instance, they might play loud music when they usually wouldn’t play any music at all. They may try to hide their hallucinogen use from you. If this is the case, you might notice them suffering from lack of sleep, paranoia, or anxiety in the days following their drug use.

Intervention for Hallucinogens Abuse

Since hallucinogen abuse is fairly different in comparison to other kinds of drug abuse, a hallucinogen abuser might need specialist treatment.

If you’re seeking rehabilitation treatment as a hallucinogens abuser, you should take the time to find a treatment program that has an understanding of hallucinogens. Many treatment programs are used to treating people with conventional addictions. They might not know what to do when presented with someone who abuses hallucinogens.

Wrapping Up: Hallucinogens Symptoms and Warning Signs

Generally, hallucinogens symptoms and warning signs are very easy to spot. Users will show a significant shift in their personality. For this reason, hallucinogen users may avoid contact with their loved ones in an attempt to hide their usage.

If you suspect your loved one of using hallucinogens, don’t hesitate to reach out and offer help. You may be surprised at their willingness to open up.

Need an addiction intervention specialist for your loved one? Then get in touch with us today.