Jehovahs Witnesses live in a secular world that often makes it tough for a believer to resist temptations. Still, as a person whose beliefs are in the Word of God, the members can break any bad habits and overcome any addictions through a faith-based drug and alcohol rehab center. Do such centers exist? How do they offer religion-based treatment to Jehovah’s Witnesses? Plus, what kind of treatment should one expect in such a facility? Here is a quick guide:
About Jehovahs Witnesses
We now have at least 8.6 million Jehovahs Witnesses scattered across the glove. The Witnesses believe in the Almighty God, the creator of the universe, and Jesus Christ, his son. As a calling, the members must be active evangelists, teaching and preaching the word of Jehovah to all humanity. Hence, anyone who wants to become a witness must first learn what the Word of God says. That is, they must learn the Bible by studying dutifully. More so, they need to attend regular meetings with other believers.
The Organization
The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses has six committees of mature Christians that supervise the operations of the members worldwide. They do this by appointing circuit overseers who then select elder to oversee their local congregations. These elders are mature in the Word of God. Hence, they are in charge of leading and looking after the members, ensuring that they all conduct themselves as per God’s will.

Also, the Governing Body, alongside its helpers, conducts other administrative duties. These duties include preparing programs and publications, formulating the doctrines, and managing any assets donated towards the work of God. Different positions in the ministry include serving as traveling overseers, ministerial servants, baptized publishers, unbaptized publishers, associates, students, and children.
All in all, this organizational structure aims at ensuring that there is an order among believers. The ultimate goal is to pass God’s inspired message to all. Hence, the Bible is the final authority and is interpreted word for word.
The Weakness of the Flesh
The Jehovahs Witnesses acknowledge that the human body has a weakness of the flesh. That is, without self-control, man can fall into worldly sins like masturbation, smoking, and alcohol and drug abuse. More so, the secular world glorifies some of these evils with easy access to pornography, alcohol, hard drugs, and nicotine products. Hence, it can be quite challenging to come out of one’s addiction.
The Witnesses Fundamental Beliefs towards Healthcare
Ever since the inception of the Jehovah’s Witnesses movement, strict fundamental beliefs about health care apply to all members. In particular, the Witnesses keep off any practices that go against God’s standards regarding the meaning and value of life. For example, in the pioneer years, the members kept off from operating their healthcare institutions. But, today’s interpretation of the fundamental beliefs is less strict. Indeed, we now have Witnesses that can seek qualified professional healthcare, but within the religious parameters.
The Use of Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco
The Governing Body views the use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol as defiling the flesh and spirit. In turn, this bad habit ends up, causing illnesses and eroding morals amongst the members.
In particular, smoking disregards God’s standards for a pure and healthy body. And, the use of alcohol must be in moderation, for any member who suffers from drunkenness must-see counsel from the elders or risk being disfellowshipped. Finally, the use of hard drugs like cocaine, marijuana, barbiturates, and heroin is exceptionally harmful to the body. Plus, it leads to violence, accidents, crime, and premature death.
Is There Hope for Members Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Addiction?
Yes. There is hope. Whereas the Watch Tower Society regard to drug and alcohol abuse as unacceptable, it teaches that reliance on God, having a strong motivation to quit, and a reliable social support network can help a member overcome such addictions. Hence, the members are encouraged to seek treatment that includes appropriate medical supervision, staying steadfast is studying the Word of God, and relying on the congregation for moral support. In turn, the Witnesses’ groups encourage members to go for drug and alcohol rehabilitation in their efforts to overcome their addictions.
A Jehovahs Witnesses Drug and Alcohol Rehab
A typical Jehovah’s Witnesses drugs and alcohol rehab center offers treatment in a safe environment that allows the member to heal from the addiction. More so, the patient is surrounded by the congregation for moral support. That way, he can focus more on strengthening his relationship with Jesus Christ. Indeed, the rehab center views the addiction as a result of bad choices and a weak spiritual foundation, and not necessarily condemning the person as a sinner.
Alcohol Rehabilitation
Moderate alcohol intake is permissible. For, it comes in handy when one wants to relax or have private pleasure. Yet, overindulgence in prohibited. Drunkenness erodes morals and harms the physical body. Hence, anyone who struggles to control the indulgence should refrain from taking alcohol in the first place.
The drugs and alcohol rehabilitation center acknowledge that it is possible to overcome alcohol abuse. For, one needs to develop reliable will power and draw closer to the Word of God. Hence, the center helps the patient to grow in spiritual maturity as part of the treatment. Plus, the rehab relies on the congregation to guide its practices on following the Biblical standards for treatment. In this regard, here is the rehab’s approach to treating alcohol addiction cases:
The Detox
A new patient joining the rehab center undergoes an intensive detoxification program. Here, the patient goes through the traditional therapeutic approaches, but with an emphasis on spirituality. For starters, the health care provider assesses whether the patient will need a medical-assisted detox or a non-medical detox. He takes into account how much effect substance abuse has had on the person’s physical and mental health. That way, he can plan on how to manage the withdrawal complications later on. Then, the patient participates in congregational services and prayers to encourage self-discipline and refrain from substance abuse.
Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Healing
The rehab center has several programs that assist a patient in healing emotionally, mentally, and get back to acceptable social interactions. First, the patient is taught all about the addiction. That is, who is an addict? What causes addiction? What are the effects of addiction? And, how can one make a turnaround dealing with addiction? That way, the patient has ample knowledge that will help him make the right decisions towards recovery.
Second, one is rehabilitated into developing social habits that allow him to live comfortably with other believers. Then the patient learns to deal with life’s pressures like anxiety, stress, and depression. These are some of the triggers for drug and alcohol addiction. Hence, typical programs in the healing process include cognitive behavior therapy, life skills training, group therapy, daily meditation, prayer, and reflection, pastoral counseling, bible study sessions, scripture readings, and relapse prevention.
Nutrition Therapy
The Jehovah’s Witnesses drugs and alcohol rehab center is incomplete without a diet and nutrition component. For we believe that good eating habits can help curb the cravings for drugs and alcohol. More so, after a rigorous detox program, the patient must replace all the toxins with the right nutrients for quick recovery and a healthy body.
Then, a typical nutrition therapy program includes meal plans that will heal and nourish the body after years of substance abuse. Also, such meal plans aim at stabilizing mood swings, in turn minimizing stress levels. Plus, the ultimate goal is to teach the patient how to exercise self-care and living a healthy lifestyle.
Guarding Against a Relapse
Finally, once the patients are free of drug or alcohol addiction, they must ensure that they do not relapse in the future. To do so, first, we encourage the participant to get rooted in the Word of God. That is regular praying and bible study habits. Also, congregants are encouraged to testify to one another to strengthen each other in the faith.
Second, the member should invite the Holy Spirit to be a guide in his life. By doing so, they will exercise self-control and cope with the pressures of life.
Third, members are encouraged to seek help when they find themselves struggling with drugs and alcohol addiction. The compassionate support through the rehab centers is available to all members. It is an ideal environment where no one is judging the other for their bad choices. Instead, both the patient and the professionals aim at defeating the addiction for the long term.
Are you or your loved one struggling with drug or alcohol addiction? Do not suffer in silence. Help is available. Reach out to the nearest faith-based drug and rehab center for a free consultation today. In these one-on-one appointments, the experts will discuss what options are available to you. For sure, never let addiction rob you of your health or harm those around you.