If you suffer from extreme pain, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers to help you manage your pain.
A popular pill that has been prescribed since the 1950s is Darvocet. Darvocet is a combination of propoxyphene and acetaminophen, two powerful pain relievers.
The name brand Darvocet is no longer available in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and throughout Europe. Another version, Darvon, is also banned.
They were banned for safety reasons; even in low and moderate doses, propoxyphene is dangerous. They are still sold illegally.

For more information about Darvocet and Darvon, continue reading and find out all of the dangers.
What Are Darvocet and Darvon?
Darvocet and Darvon are two different painkillers. Both have the same active ingredient, propoxyphene. Here’s a briefing of both pills.
Darvocet is a painkiller comprised of propoxyphene napsylate and acetaminophen. Its strength comes from propoxyphene. Propoxyphene is a narcotic pain reliever.
Even though it’s weaker than other pain relievers, such as morphine and hydrocodone, the name brand Darvocet is banned. Darvocet caused heart problems in healthy patients taking the medication as prescribed.
The problem lies in the propoxyphene and acetaminophen combination. Both ingredients are safe on their own but cause a myriad of problems when combined.
Between 1,000 and 2,000 patients died while taking Darvocet. This death count is even higher than other strong painkillers such as opiates.
Since propoxyphene is a habit-forming substance, many patients were already hooked on the medication when the FDA banned it in 2010. This caused many patients to suffer from harmful withdrawal symptoms.
Unfortunately, the addiction still occurs today. Many patients can still purchase Darvocet illegally.
Darvon is slightly different than Darvocet. Darvon contains a different form of propoxyphene, propoxyphene hydrochloride. Darvon is also not made with acetaminophen.
But Darvon has the same dangerous side effects of Darvocet and was also banned in 2010.
How Are They Taken?
Both medications are taken orally.
Doctors would typically prescribe a 65 mg tablet every four hours. In severe cases, the patient can take two pills per dose. The maximum dose is six tablets a day.
Who Takes Them?
Doctors prescribed both pills to patients who suffer from pain. Both pills contain narcotic pain relievers and relieve mild to moderate pain.
Since both pills were taken off the market, the people who consume both pills do so recreationally. Some still suffer from pain and can’t get a prescription from their doctor.
Even though Darvocet and Darvon came with dangerous side effects, many patients liked these medications because they were powerful and didn’t cause any allergies.
Since propoxyphene isn’t as powerful as other opioids, recreational use isn’t as common but users can still get addicted to the pills. This is why most illegal consumers buy them to assist with their pain.
Is Your Loved One Addicted?
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GET HELP NOWA Brief History of Darvocet and Darvon
Both Darvocet and Darvon have a long history, dating back to the 1950s. These were the painkillers most doctors would prescribe until they banned them in 2010.
Darvocet was a product of propoxyphene. Propoxyphene was discovered in 1957 by Eli Lilly & Company. Propoxyphene has a similar structure to codeine and morphine. It was combined with acetaminophen and was sold under the brand name Darvocet.
However, the Public Citizen called for its ban as early as 1978. The FDA rejected this request. After more research linked moderate doses of Darvocet to heart palpitations, the Public Citizen put in another ban request in 2006.
Since Darvocet was banned in the U.K. in 2004 and the EU banned it in 2009, the FDA went ahead and banned Darvocet in 2010.
Darvon has a very similar history to Darvocet. Because Darvon contains propoxyphene, pharmaceuticals made a propoxyphene pill option that doesn’t contain acetaminophen and released Darvon around the same time as Darvocet.
The Public Citizen’s request and FDA ban applied to all medications containing propoxyphene. This led to banning Darvon and all propoxyphene generic medications as well as Darvocet.
Consequences of Darvocet and Darvon Abuse
Both Darvocet and Darvon come with a long list of harmful side effects. Let’s take a closer look at both.
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GET HELP NOWShort-Term and Long-Term Health Effects of Darvocet
The most common and dangerous Darvocet side effect is the heart palpitations that led to its ban. But the painkiller came with other dangerous side effects. These were:
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Blurry vision
- Headaches
- Sedation
- Dry mouth
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Drowsiness
- Upset stomach
- Constipation
Most patients describe a feeling of euphoria when taking Darvocet. That’s because Darvocet releases endorphins, which induces feelings of pleasure. This is another catalyst for addiction.
Short-Term and Long-Term Health Effects of Darvon
It’s also common to experience dangerous side effects from Darvon. Here’s a list of the most common health effects:
- Sedation
- Dizziness
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Constipation
- Lightheadedness
- Rashes
- Weakness
- Headache
- Dysphoria
- Euphoria
- Visual disturbances
- Hallucinations
- Cardiac arrest
- Suicidal thoughts
- Respiratory arrest
- Coma
- Convulsions
- Death
- Diarrhea
- Confusion
- Gastrointestinal disorder
- Eye disorders
- Immune system disorder
- Hepatobiliary disorder
- Liver dysfunction
- Nervous system disorder
Like Darvocet, Darvon has a high risk of addiction.
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GET HELP NOWUsing Darvocet or Darvon With Other Drugs
Both Darvocet and Darvon have similar drug interactions, thanks to the main ingredient propoxyphene. Patients were instructed to not drink alcohol while taking the medication.
Which Drugs Are Commonly Used With Darvocet and Darvon?
Along with alcohol, propoxyphene interacts with CYP3A4 inhibitors, anti-depressants, other opioid painkillers, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), and warfarin-like agents.
There are drugs that interact with Darvocet because of the acetaminophen. This includes Cymbalta, aspirin, Lexapro, Flexeril, Synthroid, Lyrica, Xanax, and Tramadol.
Since Darvon and Darvocet are taken illegally, most users mix them with other opioids and hard drugs such as heroin. This is to help relieve pain and increase the euphoric effects.
Treating Darvocet or Darvon Addiction
Darvocet and Darvon both contain the dangerous ingredient propoxyphene, which is highly addictive and puts users at risk for heart palpitations and other harmful side effects.
Are you addicted to Darvocet and Darvon? You’ll need to recover from your addiction to treat your withdrawal symptoms and prevent dangerous side effects.
You have different treatment options. Take a look at our painkiller information.
Darvocet and Darvon Addiction and Abuse
The active ingredients in these medications are propoxyphene and acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is also the active ingredient in Tylenol and is considered a safe drug. However, propoxyphene is a different story.
After over 10,000 deaths associated with propoxyphene, Darvocet and Darvon were banned by the FDA in 2010.
Despite this, many of these pills remain in circulation. They are often referred to colloquially as pinks, 65’s, footballs, and N’s.
Darvocet and Darvon fall under the class of drugs known as opioids, and as such, they are potentially addictive. Darvocet shares many similarities with the synthetic narcotic, methadone.
Find out more about Darvocet and Darvon addiction and abuse and what can be done about it.
Darvocet and Darvon Addiction Statistics
Due to the illegal status of Darvocet and Darvon, there are only a few statistics available for these drugs. This is what we do know:
General Statistics on Addiction to Darvocet and Darvon
Opiate addiction is on the rise in the USA, with an increase of 30% between 2016 and 2017.
Millions of people have been affected by the misuse of opioids in recent times.
Before they were banned, Darvocet and Darvon were listed as one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs.
In one study, most deaths associated with propoxyphene were suicide attempts involving several addictive drugs. This implies that Darvocet and Darvon had a place in the medicine closet of many an addict.
There are no conclusive into the demographic similarities between propoxyphene addicts, however, much is known about people who abuse painkillers in general.
Usually, these people will have a genetic predisposition towards addiction combined with a history of physical pain which caused them to take the drug in the first place.
Common psychological factors include underlying trauma, depressive or anxious tendencies, or a history of neglect. Many people who become addicted to painkillers grew up in conditions of homelessness, poor housing or poverty.
Despite these similarities, it’s important to note that addiction has very little regard for demographics and can affect people from all walks of life.
Signs Of Darvocet and Darvon Addiction and Abuse
Since both these medications are no longer available by legal means, you would have to obtain them by underhanded means.
Taking these kinds of risks to get your hands on a drug is already a sign of dependency.
Other symptoms of Darvocet and Darvon abuse include:
- Facial swelling including the tongue, throat and lips
- Nausea
- Seizures
- Chest pain
- Appetite loss
- Blurred vision and headaches
- Itching and skin rashes
- Jaundice
- Difficulty breathing
In addition, abuse of painkillers can lead to psychological changes like unusual behavior or thoughts.
Long-term abuse can cause serious mental problems like:
- Changes in your personality
- Altered perception of reality
- Negative body image and low self-esteem
- Violent outbursts or feelings of rage
- Mood swings
- Confusion
- Anxiety and depression
- Paranoia
As a result, you could lose interest in the social aspects of your life. You may withdraw and isolate yourself from family and friends, causing rifts in important relationships.
You could also stop taking part in hobbies and activities that you once enjoyed.
Am I Addicted?
If you can’t stop taking Darvocet or Darvon despite these negative side effects you could be addicted. If a propoxyphene high is the highlight of your day, you’re in trouble.
Are you lying to friends, family and medical professionals about your use of painkillers? You could be addicted.
Do you spend inordinate amounts of time thinking about how to get your next hit of Darvocet or Darvon? Do you worry about what will happen if you miss your next dose? You need help to kick the habit.
If you have continued using painkillers long after your pain has subsided, or worry that it may return if you stop popping pills, you may have a problem.
Do you visit different outlets to get your supply of Darvocet and Darvon? Are you hiding your pills from your significant others and do you lie about taking them? All these are signs of addiction, regardless of your drug of choice.
If you feel like you can’t go another day with or without Darvocet or Darvon, it’s time to admit defeat.
Only you can decide whether you need help to stop taking these drugs.
Dangers of Darvocet and Darvon Abuse
To understand the dangers of Darvocet and Darvon, you need to understand Propoxyphene. This is the main ingredient of these painkillers and it’s a dangerous one.
Propoxyphene is a type of opioid painkiller that has been linked to serious heart problems, even when taken according to a doctor’s instructions.
Several patients who were taking the drugs experienced cardiac arrest, tachycardia, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, and other serious consequences.
Since the drug has been withdrawn from the market, little research has been done about it. However, it is widely-believed the propoxyphene triggers abnormal electrical activity in the nervous system.
If you overdose on this drug you could slip into a coma or die due to decreased heart function, low blood pressure and extreme difficulty in breathing.
Get Help for Darvocet and Darvon Addiction
Not only is it dangerous to continue taking propoxyphene-based painkillers, but it’s also dangerous to go cold turkey.
When you suddenly quit these drugs you could become suicidal.
You are bound to experience tremors, sweats, muscle aches, anxiety, and insomnia. If you do fall asleep, you can look forward to horrific nightmares.
You need a medically-assisted detox to survive these withdrawal symptoms. You also need specialized care to deal with the mental aspects of withdrawals.
Get in touch today for help with Darvocet and Darvon addiction and abuse.
We can help you to stop, stay stopped and enjoy a new life free from addiction and helplessness.
Darvocet and Darvon Symptoms and Warning Signs
More than 115 people die from an opioid overdose every day. Opioid abuse has grown into a national crisis with an estimated economic burden of $78.5 billion a year.
Do you know someone who is addicted to these prescription narcotics? Keep reading to learn about Darvocet and Darvon symptoms and warning signs.
Symptoms of Addiction to Darvocet and Darvon
Darvon and Darvocet are narcotic drugs that have propoxyphene. Darvocet also contains acetaminophen.
These drugs were prescribed to people who suffered from migraines to relieve mild to moderate pain. However, because of these drugs’ dangerous side effects and risk of abuse, the U.S. pulled it from the market in November 2010.
Those who abuse Darvocet and Darvon usually crush the pills and snort them. This disrupts the drug’s time-release features and gives users an instant high. The sensation can last several hours.
Because of this, the drugs are highly addicting.
Symptoms of addiction to Darvocet and Darvon include:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Muscle aches and pain
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- State of confusion
- Hallucinations
- Drowsiness
- Jaundice or skin rash
- Vision problems
Even when the drugs are taken as directed, they have dangerous side effects. They can increase thoughts of depression and suicide. When mixed with other drugs and substances, they can lead to death.
Warning Signs a Loved One May Be Abusing Darvocet and Darvon
Know the warning signs when it comes to a Darvocet and Darvon addiction.
Physical symptoms of addiction include:
- Dry mouth
- Lack of appetite
- Trouble breathing
- Mental function is compromised
Other physical health effects include migraines and liver damage.
Darvocet and Darvon can also compromise mental health. An addict can suffer from mental issues such as:
- Shifts in personality
- Feelings of low-self esteem or anger
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Paranoia
- Disorientation
- Changed perception of reality
Is My Child Using Darvocet and Darvon?
Recreational use of prescription opioids by teens is alarmingly high. Nearly 7 out of 10 teens who used prescription opioids for non-medical purposes mixed them with other substances.
Opioids are substantially more dangerous when mixed with other substances. Teens usually mix prescription drugs with marijuana and alcohol. Teens who mix these drugs are also four times more likely to get drunk frequently.
Do you think your child is using Darvocet or Darvon? Be aware of social warning signs. Someone who is addicted to these drugs will withdraw from their family and friends.
They will isolate themselves to hide their addiction. They end up damaging relationships with those around them. An addict will show little interest in activities they used to enjoy.
Is My Parent Using Darvocet and Darvon?
Do you suspect your parent is using Darvocet and Darvon? Although these drugs are no longer sold in the U.S. market, they can still be obtained illegally.
People who are addicted to opioids end up developing a tolerance to the drug. They end up needing more of the drug to get high.
When an addict stops using opioids, they end up going through withdrawal symptoms.
Darvocet and Darvon have severe withdrawal symptoms such as:
- Paranoia
- Feelings of crawling sensations
- Aches
- Shakiness
- Anxiety
- Nausea
- Thoughts of suicide
- Tremors
- Nightmares
If you think a parent is struggling with an addiction, they need professional help to deal with the withdrawal period.
Intervention for Darvocet and Darvon Abuse
It’s disheartening to watch a loved one struggle with abuse. There is something you can do to help. You can stage an intervention.
An intervention can serve as a lifeline for an addict. It can get them to recognize their patterns and behavior and persuade them to seek help. During an intervention, you can explain to your loved one how their addiction has negatively affected your life.
You can hire an intervention specialist who will help you prepare and plan for the intervention. A specialist can help you put together a team. They can also help you with your speech.
With the specialist, you can choose the right time and location to hold the intervention. You want to do it when the user is sober and alert.
Choose a neutral location. If it’s in a public place, the addict might make a scene, or you may be embarrassed to voice your feelings. If it’s in the addict’s home, it might be easy for them to retreat to their bedroom or another private room.
You can hold the intervention in the specialist’s office.
Before the intervention, assemble a team of loved ones. Choose people that have a strong relationship with the addict. You can each write down your speech.
You can also choose the order in which you will speak so that you don’t overwhelm your loved one. When you do the intervention, stick to the script you wrote. Keep your emotions calm.
If the addict becomes angry or enraged, don’t argue or yell back at them. Show them that you’re coming from a place of compassion and support.
You should also offer them a solution. You can also come up with a treatment plan. This may be counseling or inpatient rehab.
You should also tell the addict what everyone will do if they refuse to accept help. Interventions are difficult and overwhelming, but they are a crucial step in helping your loved one fight their addiction.
Darvocet and Darvon Symptoms and Warning Signs: Seek Professional Help
Because of its highly addicting nature, it’s difficult for an addict to quit Darvocet and Darvon on their own. They need professional help to get sober.
Learn more about Darvocet and Darvon symptoms and warning signs. You can learn about opioid painkiller addiction treatment and find out how you can get help for a loved one.
Darvocet and Darvon Treatment
It’s bad enough to come to terms with the fact that someone you care about has become addicted to Darvocet. But, it’s even worse to realize the addict in your life is the person looking back in the mirror.
The good news is you don’t have to bear the weight of addiction any longer. If you’ve already endured the withdrawal and detox process, the next step is to seek Darvocet treatment.
Here’s a closer look at all the treatment options available to you.
Darvocet Inpatient Treatment
Inpatient treatment is what most people think of when they consider going to rehab. It’s a fully-immersive approach to getting clean – both in mind and body.
What Is Inpatient Treatment?
When you go to inpatient treatment, you check yourself into a treatment and rehabilitation center. The facility provides you with overnight accommodations for as long as you need as well as many amenities to help make your recovery easier.
You live on the treatment campus 24/7 until you’ve reached full sobriety and recovery. While you’re there, you engage in a wide range of individual and group treatment activities.
These may include, but aren’t limited to:
- talk therapy
- music and art therapy
- yoga and meditation classes
- life skills education
- relapse prevention education
- support groups
Each of these activities is catered to help you walk away from addiction. They all focus on achieving a better state of mind and body in their own unique manner.
You can also enjoy personal time to reflect, journal, and just relax while in inpatient treatment. Plus, visits with friends and family members can be arranged to help you start mending relationships that may have been affected by your Darvocet addiction.
Standard Length of Inpatient Treatment
There’s no way to tell how long inpatient treatment will last. When you check yourself into this kind of facility, you’re doing so indefinitely.
Each addict’s recovery timeline depends on a few different things. It varies based on how long a person has been addicted to Darvocet, if this drug was used in conjunction with other things, and/or if there’s a co-occurring mental health issue that needs to be addressed.
Your level of commitment to the program you’re in and your willingness to be open and vulnerable with the people guiding your recovery play a big role in the journey, too.
Darvocet Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment is basically the process of getting clean on your own terms. You have a little more leeway and flexibility with this kind of recovery program. But, that also means you’re more susceptible to relapsing, so you have to go all-in with your recovery plan.
What Is Outpatient Treatment?
Outpatient treatment is a form of Darvocet recovery that is made to fit your life’s schedule. It allows you to continue living in your current place of residence and it can be worked around school and work commitments.
However, it does become a part of your daily routine. Most outpatient treatment programs require that you meet with your guide and/or group every single day. These individual and group sessions focus on many of the topics that are covered in inpatient treatment, just in a way that doesn’t make you put the rest of your life on hold.
You can still be with your family and make money and go to class when undergoing outpatient treatment. Meanwhile, you’ll be in a 12-step program that takes you through the entire recovery process with ease.
You’ll learn about the things that caused your addiction in the first place, find new ways to cope with hardships and begin to physically and mentally heal. You’ll also discover the early signs of relapsing and learn how to cope with the temptation to start using again.
Standard Length of Outpatient Treatment
Although outpatient and inpatient treatment are unique in structure, their timeline is the same: there’s no guarantee!
It’s hard to put a deadline on something that is so abstract and complex. The truth is no matter the kind of treatment you undergo, the amount of time it takes you to achieve a full recovery is in your hands.
Darvocet Sober Living
Sober living is the final step in the recovery process.
It’s when you go from being a recovering addict to finding full comfort in the fact that you’re no longer living with the burden of Darvocet. It’s also when you take up the responsibility of maintaining your newfound sobriety.
What Is Darvocet Sober Living?
To truly engage in sober living means to let go of all your needs to be under the influence. It means you stop using Darvocet, alcohol, cigarettes, and any other substances you may have experimented with.
It’s refreshing, eye-opening, and extremely hard work.
You will still come across temptations to relapse when you’re newly sober, 1-year sober, and even 10-years sober. It’s a daily process to lead a sober life, but it does get a little easier as each day goes by.
What to Expect
Hard work results in big rewards.
The silver lining of sober living is that you’ll come to realize it’s the best thing that ever happened to you. When you start working on yourself so deeply and showing up to improve your life every day, dramatic changes are going to happen.
You’ll become happier, more easy-going, and much more fulfilled. You’ll have deeper, more meaningful relationships and be better able to identify the things that are no longer serving you.
You’ll be a better friend, lover, employee, and all-around person.
Ongoing Recovery
Although the benefits of Darvocet sober living are profound, they don’t rule out the responsibilities that come with it. This is why there are so many resources available for ongoing recovery. Ongoing recovery is the extra step in the Darvocet treatment process that helps ensure you never find yourself seeking treatment again.
If you’re interested to learn more about how sober living and ongoing recovery will change your life.
Darvocet and Darvon Withdrawal and Detox
Darvocet is no longer legal in the United States, but unfortunately, it is still circulating and causing serious problems. This drug was originally made to treat chronic pain. But, it turned out to cause heart problems, liver damage, and be incredibly addictive.
If you know this first-hand, you need to get help.
The first step in recovering from Darvocet addiction is to go through the withdrawal and detox process. The following is a closer look at how Darvocet withdrawal and detoxing works.
What Causes Darvocet Withdrawal?
Darvocet withdrawal occurs when a person stops taking the substance. Symptoms may kick in as quickly as within one hour or they may take a little longer to start showing.
It is possible to off-put withdrawal symptoms by tapering off from Darvocet, but it’s an extremely difficult process to do due to the nature of the drug. If this is the route you want to take, your best option is to check yourself into a medical detox center and listen to the guidance of the professionals ready to help you.
Darvocet Withdrawal Symptoms
Whether you detox on your own or in a detox center, you’re still going to experience the symptoms of Darvocet withdrawal at some point. The most common symptoms are:
- anxiety
- paranoia
- restlessness
- restless legs syndrome
- fatigue
- nausea
- diarrhea
- aches and pains
You may also feel like your skin is “crawling”, which is a sign the drug is wearing off. This is similar to the deliria you may have experienced while on the drug and it is likely to occur if you’ve gotten skin rashes from using Darvocet.
Duration of Darvocet Withdrawal
The trickiest part about undergoing the Darvocet withdrawal process is there’s no telling how long it will last. The intensity of the symptoms you feel and the duration of the withdrawal as a whole are unique among each user of Darvocet.
Your withdrawal’s duration depends on:
- how long you’ve been using Darvocet and to what extent
- if you’ve used any other drugs with Darvocet
- if you have any other medical conditions, whether physical or mental
Keep in mind, if your drug use has involved a mixture of different substances, the best thing to do is get clean from them all at once. This will make the withdrawal process more severe, but it’s the only way to achieve true sobriety.
Darvocet Withdrawal Timeline
While it’s impossible to estimate an accurate timeline, you can prepare for the stages of withdrawal. The timeline, regardless of how long it lasts, usually goes a little something like this:
- Addict stops taking Darvocet, as well as any other drugs
- Withdrawal symptoms kick in within the first few hours
- Withdrawal symptoms increase in severity; different symptoms may come and go during this stage
- Withdrawal symptoms wear off and the detox stage of recovery begins
You may complete your withdrawal in less than 24, or it could take more than 48 hours to overcome. Either way, you have to see this through. Relapsing will only make it worse once you finally decide to try again and complete your Darvocet withdrawal and detox.
Detoxing from Darvocet on Your Own
It’s one thing to not feel the effects of Darvocet anymore and another to bring your body back to its normal function. Remember, Darvocet is a painkiller. Heavy use of this substance over time has likely hindered your body’s natural ability to deal with pain.
The detoxing process is all about re-teaching your body how to produce pain-soothing hormones again. It may have stopped producing them altogether or only be producing a small amount at this point, depending on how long your addiction lasted.
The best thing you can do to detox on your own is to lay low for a few days. You don’t want to put your body through any extreme activities or under stress. Rather, you need to rest, hydrate, and eat well.
These tasks may sound simple, but you’ll be undergoing them while experiencing various levels of pain in your body. You still have a lot of work to do before you feel like yourself again, which is why most people choose to check into a medical detox center and have support during this process.
Medical Detox for Darvocet
You can undergo a medically-assisted detox in a detox-only treatment center or in a rehabilitation and treatment center. It’s best to find one which specializes in opiates and painkillers, although other centers are likely to take you in.
How Medical Detox Works and What to Expect
When you check into a medical detox center, you have a few different options.
You may choose to undergo the withdrawal and detox process naturally with the emotional support of the staff to guide you. Or, you may ask for the center’s staff to give you medication to make the process easier.
Medications Available for Darvocet Detox
One of the most common, and controversial, medications available for Darvocet detox is anesthesia. A detox center may suggest sedating you under this drug so you don’t have to actually “feel” the pain your body is going through. More so, the anesthesia is meant to support the regulation of your natural pain-relieving hormones.
It sounds like the perfect solution on paper, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Take a moment to explore the other options a detox center can offer you before you decide to go this route.
Take the Next Step in Darvocet Recovery
No matter how you choose to overcome the Darvocet withdrawal and detox process, keep in mind this is only half the battle. Once your physical self starts to feel like normal again, you have to begin addressing the emotional effects of addiction. This is critical to your recovery and long-term sobriety.
For more information on living a sober life, click here.