Valium, and its generic, Diazepam, is a commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medication. It is also used during supervised alcohol withdrawal and to prevent seizures.
Like all benzodiazepines, this prescription drug is highly effective. It soothes the nerves and creates an overall feeling of calm and well-being. Other common benzodiazepines include Alprazolam or Xanax, and Clonazepam also called Klonopin.
These sensations are a welcome relief to anxiety sufferers. This can lead to them becoming dependent on the drug to maintain this inner sense of serenity.
An inability to cope without Valium is an addiction just like any other. If your need for Valium is starting to disrupt your life, you need help.
Don’t go cold turkey. The withdrawal symptoms can be severe. You should never attempt to quit any benzodiazepine without medical supervision. There are two treatment options available.
Valium Inpatient
Inpatient rehabilitation can increase your chances of recovery without relapse.
It is a good option if you have a history of excessive Valium abuse, or if you have problems with more than one substance.
What is Inpatient Treatment?
While undergoing inpatient treatment for Valium, you remain at the treatment facility for the duration of the process.
It is preferable to choose a facility that offers medically-assisted detox. Don’t hesitate to shop around for a rehabilitation program that closely meets your needs.
During inpatient rehab, you have access to experienced assistance 24/7. There are physicians in attendance to monitor your withdrawal symptoms and provide assistance as required.
The environment at an inpatient rehab is very structured which can help with anxiety. Treatment includes important aspects such as:
- Daily chores
- Exercise
- Group meetings
- One-on-one counseling
- Regular activities
- Career guidance
During these sessions, you will learn valuable life skills which can help you on the road to recovery, prepare you for life after Valium, and prevent relapse.
Standard Length of Valium Inpatient Treatment
Inpatient treatment can last anywhere from 28 to 90 days.
You can remain in the care of an inpatient program for as long as you need. The longer you stay, the better your chances of recovery.
If you are suffering from co-addictions or other conditions such as depression, treatment will take longer.
During treatment, it is important to realize that everything you do has a reason behind it. As time passes, it becomes easier to comply with this new lifestyle, and you’ll start to enjoy it.
Valium Outpatient
Outpatient clinics are suitable for those individuals who are battling with a mild addiction.
They are less disruptive of your daily life than inpatient treatment and are a good choice if you are not addicted to any other substances.
What is Outpatient Treatment?
During outpatient treatment, you continue with your usual routine and live at home while undergoing treatment.
There are two kinds of outpatient treatment options:
Intensive Treatment
This involves visiting the clinic at least 3 times a week for 2 to 4 hours or more. The clinic will schedule these so that you can continue with work or school unabated.
Partial Hospitalization
This kind of treatment means that you will meet at the hospital for between 4 and 6 hours about 3 times a week for medical monitoring.
Both kinds of outpatient treatment include medical monitoring and a gradual reduction in your Valium prescription.
A physician will monitor any withdrawal symptoms throughout the process and take action if needed.
It is important to take part in the counseling sessions and group therapy offered by outpatient facilities. These will help you to stay off the pills and get the most out of your recovery.
It is advisable for those who undergo inpatient rehabilitation to attend outpatient treatment afterward.
Standard Length of Valium Outpatient Treatment
The length of time it takes for you to stop taking Valium depends on your initial dosage as well as the severity of your withdrawal symptoms.
Your age, mental and physical health as well as the average dose of Valium that you were taking are also important factors.
It is important to note that outpatient treatment can continue for as long as you wish. Those with more severe addictions find that it helps to prevent relapse.
Valium Sober Living
It is the ultimate aim of any rehabilitation program to ensure that you live a healthy, happy, and sober life after treatment.
When you know how to make the most of it, you will find that living without Valium opens up a whole world of opportunity for you.
What is Valium Sober Living?
Free from the shackles of drugs, you can truly live, without worrying where your next valium pill is coming from.
You’ll discover a renewed interest in the world around you.
When your mind has cleared of the drug haze, your work performance will improve, paving the way for a more fulfilling and successful career.
What to Expect
When you have weaned yourself off valium dependency, staying off it becomes your new full-time job.
While there is lots of fun and freedom that comes with sobriety, it takes some work to maintain this new equilibrium.
There is no cure for addiction, but you can live a fulfilling life in recovery.
Never hesitate to speak to a counselor or fellow addict if you experience any cravings or difficulties. Asking for help is an important part of your ongoing recovery and there is plenty of support available.
Ongoing Recovery
Everybody’s experience is unique, but it is important to realize that recovery is a lifetime commitment. To stay happy, healthy and off the pills, you should continue with ongoing therapy.
Group therapy, such as 12-step programs, has proven effective in sustaining sobriety.
Some individuals prefer one-on-one counseling. Stick with whatever works for you.
Apart from therapy, there are many things that you can do to ensure that you stay sober and make the most of your recovery.
Some of these are:
- Maintaining a healthy diet
- Getting enough sleep
- Keeping yourself busy with hobbies and interests
- Attending regular therapy sessions
If you take part in group therapy sessions, you are bound to meet other people with similar interests. Spending time with them can help to ease you into your new life of sobriety.