Desoxyn, which is the brand name for methamphetamine hydrochloride, is a stimulant medication. The drug is used for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and was approved in 2010 by The Food and Drug Administration.Â

Additionally, the drug is also prescribed to treat obesity that is unlikely to be treated by other medications and dietary programs. The drug increases the activity of monoamines, which are the brain’s neurotransmitters. Hence, it raises an individual’s focus on various tasks at hand.
Usual Side Effects of Desoxyn
If properly taken, the medication is likely to have various side effects. The side effects are, in most cases, mild. However, some patients are likely to experience adverse effects. Some of the most common mild side effects include:
- Headaches.
- Hypertension.
- Restlessness.
- Lower appetite.
- Sweating
The adverse side effects include:
- Breathing complications.
- Psychotic Disorder.
- Rhabdomyolysis.
Desoxyn Abuse
Desoxyn is classified among the most abused drugs. Hence, the medication is only prescribed to patients who fail to respond to other treatment options such as Adderall. Besides, it is quite expensive compared to Adderall, thus rarely prescribed by physicians. It is highly recommended that patients under Desoxyn be closely monitored to avoid misuse of the drug. When misused, a patient is at risk of adverse effects associated with drug addiction, and the common side effects.
When a patient increasingly uses the drug, he/she is at risk of increased tolerance to the drug and also developing a dependency on the medication. Once a patient becomes tolerant to the drug, the intended effects will unlikely be achieved. So, when do you know you have developed a dependence on the drug? As a patient, your brain will only work generally after taking the medication at some level. When the desired level isn’t achieved, you will experience drug withdrawal symptoms.
A patient who repeatedly misuses the drug will likely portray the following signs and symptoms:
- Restlessness
- Muscular pains
- Hallucinations
- Vomiting
- Panic attacks
- Depression
- Tremors
- Aggressiveness
In some cases, a patient might develop life-threatening conditions due to increased drug abuse, such as cardiovascular issues. Others might experience extreme weight loss and develop aggressive behaviors.
Who Abuses Desoxyn
A recent report by The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism indicates almost a quarter of substance abusers have traces of ADHD. This suggests that quite several adult addicts have a history of Desoxyn abuse.
However, from various reports, it is evident that teens are at a higher risk of abusing the drug than adults. This is because most teenagers have a common notion that the drug is safe since physicians prescribe it. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens, most teenagers who have admitted to having used the drug obtained Desoxyn either from friends or family members.
To quicken the effects of the drug, adolescents either crush the drug, sniff it, orally take the pill. Hence, parents should always be wary of the type of medications their teenage children get a hand on. To help prevent or end the abuse of Desoxyn:
- Parents should acquire in-depth knowledge of the signs and symptoms of Desoxyn abuse.
- Take their children through the dangers of misusing the drug.
- Ensure that Desoxyn available in the house are in the right amounts and used as prescribed by the doctor.
- Keep the drug away from the children or adults who are likely to abuse the drug.
Outcomes of Desoxyn Abuse
Desoxyn Addiction
Repeated misuse or and recreational use of the prescribed drug places a patient in a dangerous position, which might eventually lead to addiction. Desoxyn addiction can be described as an intense desire to excessively use Desoxyn. As a patient, you will realize you addicted to the drug if you:
- Begin isolating yourself from friends and family.
- Begin having financial problems due to the high cost of acquiring the drug.
- Fail to maintain your regular responsibilities, either in school, workplace or at home.
- Struggle to reduce or ineffectively try to end drug use.
- Spend much energy and resources, trying to acquire the medication.
- Experience lower appetite
- Experience discomfort if you miss your dosage.
Desoxyn Overdose
Desoxyn overdose is also considered to be another dangerous outcome of drug abuse. An overdose occurred when the patient experiences increased tolerance, requiring the patient to take more dosage to achieve the wanted effects of the drug. Some of the signs and symptoms of Desoxyn overdose include:
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Convulsions.
- Hallucinations.
- Shakiness.
- Restlessness.
- High levels of anxiety.
- Changes in blood pressure.
- Death.
Helping Desoxyn Addicts
The increasing cases of Desoxyn abuse and addicts are quite alarming. If your relative or friend is among the reported number of cases, you need to offer assistance. In most cases, addicts normally reject help. Therefore, you should try to be compassionate and understanding. All you need is a workable plan. Firstly, it would be essential to learn more about Desoxyn abuse. The information should be related to its dosage and the signs and symptoms of Desoxyn misuse.
This information would help you understand what your loved one is going through and how drug addiction affects his/her functioning. Besides, in some scenarios, addicts might be abusing illegally manufactured methamphetamine rather than Desoxyn. Therefore, information on Desoxyn might help you differentiate the signs and effects of the two. It would also be crucial that you gain a broader knowledge of substance abuse, enabling you to have probable expectations.
After gaining knowledge on Desoxyn abuse and addiction, approach your loved one. The level of communication between you and the patient and how you handle the addict will impact the outcomes of the process.
Therefore, ensure that you show love and support to increase your success chances. Explain to your loved one your feelings towards them and your role as a helper. Also, discuss the limits and how far you are ready to go to offer assistance. Try to encourage honesty. However, don’t expect your loved ones to be candid due to fear or anger.
It would help if you remain calm and patient during the entire process and avoid being judgmental. It would be best if you asked as many questions as possible. Asking numerous questions allows you to learn more about the patient’s feelings. Through the patient’s answer, you will be able to identify the effects the addiction has on the patient.
When to Seek Treatment Intervention
If you realize your loved one has abused Desoxyn intensively, ensure you immediately seek detoxification services. This treatment option would help manage withdrawal symptoms such as extreme anger and aggression, and severe depression.
Most treatment options only help in clearing the drug from the patient’s body. However, the patient would still battle with managing withdrawal and effectively manage various therapeutic approaches. The most common methods, in this case, include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI), and contingency management (CM). The expected outcomes include active management of the signs and symptoms experienced by an addict.
Desoxyn is an addictive drug, and if not well administered, might have life-threatening implications on the patient. Despite the drug being costly, individuals have devised ways of illegally acquiring the drug and using it in large amounts for reactional purposes. The most affected individuals are teenagers who ignorantly take the medication. Parents should be wary of the amounts of Desoxyn available in their houses to avoid abuse. Besides, it is your sole responsibility to take care of your loved ones addicted to the drug and have endlessly tried to withdraw from addiction.