One of the things addiction sufferers fear the most about addiction treatment is not knowing what to expect from treatment. After living an extended period in the abyss of addiction, their minds tend to conjure up notions that something about treatment is going to harm them. That’s a significant misconception. The whole purpose of addiction treatment in drug rehab is to help addiction sufferers free themselves from the grips of their addictions.

Unfortunately, so many addiction sufferers have to hit “rock bottom” before they realize they have to fight for their lives. Once they come to that realization, they will soon discover that the only way to arrest their addiction is by spending time in the right drug rehab they feel suspect about.
To set the record straight and help remove any reservations about getting treatment, it seems what’s needed is an in-depth explanation about precisely what takes place in drug rehab. To that end, the following discussion, question/answer style, should be adequate to make the average addiction sufferer feel more comfortable about the prospects of getting the treatment they need from reputable drug rehab. The focus of this discussion will center on residential (inpatient) treatment.
Rehab Questions: What Is a Typical Day in Drug Rehab Like?
Before starting this written question and answer discussion, it’s important to point out that treatment might differ a little from one rehab center to the next. The treatment experience might also be affected by the treatment options employed to help addiction sufferers arrest their addictions. With all this in mind, the discussion is going to center on a typical day in standard drug rehab.
In almost every instance, a new client will go through an interview process. The goal of such a process is to inform the admissions staffer about the circumstances and extent of the client’s addiction. Based on this information, the facility’s program director should be able to decide on the proper course of treatment for each client.
The answer is no. However, most addiction sufferers who have been abusing their drug of choice for a significant period are going to face the possibility of some significant withdrawal symptoms. Given that some withdrawal symptoms are painful and dangerous, there’s always a chance any given addiction sufferer will abort getting treatment in favor of continuing to use drugs to avoid withdrawal. For this reason, clients should expect to be assigned to a detox program where they can be kept safe and comfortable as they move past their withdrawal symptoms and residual cravings.
The next step in the addiction treatment process includes moving into the drug rehab facility. Clients are assigned to therapists who are charged with developing a custom treatment plan for each client. The purpose of creating custom treatment plans is to make sure each client is given the treatment option or options to help them facilitate a full recovery from their addiction.
The day starts with a nutritious breakfast. It’s important to note that proper nutrition is a big part of helping clients repair the damage done to their bodies while abusing their substances of choice.
After breakfast, clients will begin their therapy sessions. Since clients enter drug rehab at different times, each client is working on a different aspect of treatment. Much of the focus of therapy is going to center on intensive individual treatment. However, it’s very likely any number of clients will get together during the day for group therapy sessions.
At some time before lunch, clients get an opportunity to relax and recharge their batteries. Relaxation could involve watching TV, working on arts and crafts, listening to music, or simply hanging with one another until it’s time to eat.
After lunch, clients will likely attend more therapy sessions. At some point during the day, a client’s family members might be brought in for a family therapy session. While this might only happen once or twice a week, it’s essential to make sure clients are working with family members to build support resources for the future.
Late in the afternoon, it’s common for clients to participate in some form of recreation. What they get to do as a group will depend a lot on the amenities the facility makes available.
After cleaning up a little for dinner, clients sit down and break bread together. Following dinner, clients might participate in additional individual therapy sessions or take part in a traditional 12 Step meeting as a group. As the evening winds down, clients get an opportunity to relax until bedtime. If medications are necessary, they are typically administered right before bed under the watchful eye of a medical staff member. Then it’s light out.
Yes, all rehabs will perform random drug tests. This is done to ensure all clients comply with the rehab’s zero-tolerance policy.
With several addiction sufferers living within proximity of each other, the rehab facility must maintain optimum safety and security for each client. The most basic rules include the following:
– No fraternization or sexual contact with other clients or staff members
– Smoking may or may not be allowed based on state laws
– All clients must remain on the premises unless given written permission to leave for a stated purpose
– Threats and bullying will not be tolerated
– Staff members are to be treated with respect
– Each client is responsible for maintaining clean quarters and must take responsibility for their actions
– Clients must attend all scheduled therapy sessions and activities
Failure to comply with drug rehab facility rules will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the treatment facility.
After a client completes treatment, they are permitted to exit the drug rehab facility with their addiction recovery in tow. As part of the exit process, clients are usually given information about any aftercare resources that may be available to them. If a client is interested in spending time in a sober living home, most drug rehab organizations will be able to refer a client to a sober living home in the client’s preferred destination.
If a client relapses, they have standing orders to not get down on themselves. At that point, the client’s entire focus has to be on getting themselves back into treatment as soon as possible.
The information we provided above is intended to give you peace of mind about what you can expect when you check into drug rehab. There’s nothing to fear as long as you commit to the treatment process, follow the rules, and make every effort to help yourself arrest your addiction so you can return to leaving a healthy life without needing the crutch of drugs or alcohol.