Antidepressants are, for many, a welcome relief from the debilitating symptoms of depression.
They do not give a traditional high that comes from other drug use.
Despite this, the slow and steady relief they do give can become a dependency for many. This occurs especially when the antidepressants aren’t giving the absolute relief desired.
Dependency on any substance can lead to destructive behavior. Antidepressants are no different in this.
With the right knowledge, you can avoid the pitfalls of this dependency. Does you or someone you know need help?
Here are some of antidepressants symptoms and warning signs.
Antidepressants Symptoms and Warning Signs
Depression is one of the most widespread condition in the United States, if not the world. This leads to a antidepressants being one of the most prescribed medications in the world.
Due to depression being a mental health issue, the exact details of it will be different from person to person. As such, the treatment of this condition can be different in many ways.?

The wide range of symptoms relating to the antidepressant can be staggering. They include fatigue, nausea, weight gain, loss of sexual desire, insomnia.
With a range of symptoms like this, it can be easy to want to find relief in other medications or other abusive materials.
Symptoms of Addiction to Antidepressants
The side effects listed above are not an exhaustive list. As well, antidepressants affect everyone in different ways.
This can make it very hard to see and interpret these side effects and where they may lead.
The common side effects, such as the ones centered on fatigue and physical symptoms, can be easy to spot. Keep an eye out for symptoms like blurred vision, dry mouth, and dizziness.
The more difficult symptoms to spot are those that many don’t talk about.
Loss of sexual desire is not something people often talk about in the first place. Weight gain can also be a very sensitive subject.
For symptoms like these, it is best to create an open atmosphere.
By creating a comfortable atmosphere, you may open the stage for discussion. You may help supplement the effect of the antidepressants.
Warning Signs of a Loved One May Be Abusing Antidepressants
It can be hard when someone you care about is dealing with depression. The initial struggles can be challenging enough. The side effects of antidepressants can make it worse.
For those worried about a loved one who may be desperate for an escape from their symptoms, here are some warning signs.
Substance abuse is a major player in supplementing antidepressants. Alcohol is the most common of these, often due to its legality. More dire situations may involve illicit drugs.
One of the best ways to control substance abuse is through monitoring and regulation.
Depending on the relation to your loved one, this may be very difficult. As well, if the abuser feels like they aren’t trusted, it can lead to more pain.
Another warning sign is the desire of the loved one to remove themselves from their medication. This can lead to disastrous problems.
Many may feel fine ending their dosage early. They will soon have major withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms range from the physical to the emotional.
The important problem is that they may spur the user to turn to more desperate measures. This includes increasing their own dosage or turning to other, more dangerous substances.
Is My Child Using Antidepressants
Children, especially adolescents, often go through many troubles as they grow up. Dealing with depression should not be a wrong thing.
That said, children should not have access to antidepressants outside of a doctor’s prescription.
Antidepressants are not a common drug found in illicit circles. Your child may instead have a friend with a prescription of such medication.
One of the best ways to discover if your child may be looking for antidepressants is open communication.
Teenagers, in general, can be tight-lipped in regards to their feelings. It can be worse if your household does not have a more open policy about feelings.
Antidepressants are a legal and often trusted form of dealing with depression. You and your child both should not feel a sense of paranoia if they show a desire to use such substances.
Having open conversations with your child about their depression may help them feel comfortable with other alternatives.
At the very least, a doctor can help prescribe them the amount that is good for them, instead of an uneven dosage they may get elsewhere.
Is My Parent Using Antidepressants
Depression is a condition that no one is immune to. Dealing with a parent who is using antidepressants can be a sobering experience.
As long as they got their medication from a trusted doctor and are observing their doctor’s orders, everything should be fine.
Some of the greatest concerns some may have for their parents can stem from supplemental substances. Alcohol, again, is a common substance to use alongside antidepressants.
If your parents are not following doctor’s orders, there are many dangers that could occur. Side effects may spike, resulting in serious physical and emotional ailments.
Again, a major way to combat these concerns is with open and honest communication.
Intervention for Antidepressant Abuse
Depression is a major problem around the world. Many argue about the biggest reasons behind such widespread depression.
No matter the underlying cause, antidepressants can have a use as a tool to combat these troubles.
Someone may aim to abuse an antidepressant. Sometimes the use of antidepressants leads to other abuses.
In all cases, the underlying cause is always the depression.
Depression makes people feel inadequate and small. The sense of dread and despair that can take over can be debilitating.
When the issue gets worse, people jump to anything else to remove the problem. When the issue gets better, they are eager to leap away from their perceived dependency.
Our society, as a whole, does not discuss mental health in the way that it often should.
A combination of open communication and a lack of demonizing those with mental health disorders, are the key to avoiding the abuse of antidepressants and the self-destruction depression can and will cause.
Finding Those Who Care
Watching a loved one suffer through drug related issues is painful. There is a good deal we can do. In the end, they must be ready and willing to change.
The purpose of this blog is to serve as a source of information and care. If you’d like to know more about antidepressants symptoms and warning signs, contact us today.