Rochester Inpatient Drug Rehab Information

It can be difficult to find a drug and alcohol rehab facility in New York by yourself, but Addiction Treatment Services can help make your search easier. When you give us a call, we’ll go over your insurance coverage with you step by step to verify your benefits and match you with the treatment center that has the types of treatment you’re looking for.

Like most of the U.S., New York is struggling to battle against a devastating opioid epidemic. This means that there are more and more people who are in need of professional addiction recovery treatment that may not know where to start. Even if you have no idea how to start searching for treatment, or if you’ve been looking for rehab treatment services in the Philadelphia for a loved one, Addiction Treatment Services can help you find a drug and alcohol rehab treatment center that meets your needs.

We Can Help – Call Now (877) 455-0055

Rehab Treatment Options in Rochester, NY

Our goal is to help you find the rehab treatment you deserve. When you call us, we’ll review your insurance benefits and verify your coverage for rehab in Rochester. Most types of drug and alcohol rehab treatment work well for various types and levels of drug and alcohol addictions. But depending on the severity of your case, intensive individualized treatment options may be suggested in order to give you the most effective treatment possible.

Some of the popular substance abuse treatments in Rochester are:

  • Medically Assisted Treatment
  • Detox programs
  • Inpatient treatment (30, 60, or 90 days)
  • Outpatient treatment plans

The behavioral health side of addiction recovery is also starting to be taken more seriously in recent years. Integrated treatment facilities are gaining popularity, since they specialize in treating dual diagnosis patients (people who suffer from addiction to drugs and/or alcohol who also have one or more underlying mental health disorders). Even less specialized rehab centers are focusing on mental and behavioral health, since ailments like depression, anxiety, and eating disorders can lead to or exacerbate addiction.

We Can Help – Call Now (877) 455-0055

Let Us Help You Find Inpatient Rehab Treatment in Rochester, NY Today

Choosing to seek addiction treatment can be a scary first step, but you don’t have to take it alone. Addiction Treatment Services can help you and your loved ones find the resources you need to get started on your path towards sobriety. We’ll verify your insurance, find the addiction treatment program that best suits your situation, and help you narrow down which rehab centers near you will be the best fit for your recovery goals.

Whether you’re looking for rehab treatment in Rochester or another part of New York, we can help you get started. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7, so call us now to get started.

rochester ny inpatient rehab