Did you know it may only take one hit of crack cocaine to start an addiction?

According to research, just one hit can effectively rewire the brain. As soon as a user ingests the drug, it targets the dopamine neurotransmitter. This exhilarating feeling of a reward makes the user want more.

If someone you love is using crack cocaine, try and help them before it’s too late.

But how do you know if someone you love is using crack cocaine? What are the signs of crack use? And what can you do about it?

Read on to find the most common crack cocaine symptoms and warning signs.

Symptoms of Addiction to Crack Cocaine

The effects of crack cocaine will have a detrimental effect on a person’s quality of life. Addiction will create immediate difficulties, such as job loss or family problems. But it can also result in elevated blood pressure which may lead to a heart attack, cardiac arrest, or stroke.

Crack cocaine is a stimulant and will release large amounts of dopamine. This results in increased energy and alertness. This hyperawareness can turn into fear and paranoia.

This overconfidence and hyperactivity may cause them to be extra talkative and they will have too much energy to sleep or even sit down. They may not be able to eat, even if they haven’t eaten in a long time.

When someone is on high from cocaine, they may experience the feeling of euphoria. This can make them feel like they are invincible. This may lead them to do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do, sometimes dangerous things.

They may also start having hallucinations. Such as believing there are bugs crawling over their skin.

Crack symptoms are easy to spot during times of withdrawal. Cocaine produces a mental craving which can cause restlessness, anxiety, depression, and irritability. They may also feel hungry and sleep for extended periods of time.

Warning Signs a Loved One May Be Abusing Crack Cocaine

The obvious signs include finding tiny plastic bags with powder residue. You may also find crack pipes that they use when smoking crack. They are usually made of metal or glass.

You may notice that your loved one has burned fingers or blistered lips. These signs are due to holding onto the crack pipe while it heats up.

Crack cocaine effects don’t last too long. This means a user will need to get another high as soon as possible. Because of this constant need, some resort to criminal activity such as stealing or prostitution.

If your loved one frequently disappears, they may be getting high. Or they might be resorting to crime to get their next fix.

Other signs to look for include:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Erratic breathing rate
  • Constant sniffing
  • Restlessness and twitching
  • Irresponsible behavior
  • Nausea
  • Irregular sweating

After a high, the user’s mood may plummet into a depression. Some users even become suicidal.

Is My Child Using Crack Cocaine?

If your child is showing any of the above signs, they may be smoking crack.

Find out what your child’s school attendance is like. Or if they are working, you can find out how things are going. If you’re genuinely concerned, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of snooping.

You may also be able to find things in their personal belongings. Such as crack pipes, syringes, chopped up straws, razor blades, and scratched mirrors.

You may also notice that your child is twitching or sniffing. If they are missing for long periods of time and can’t give you a legitimate reason why they may be hiding an addiction.

Is My Parent Using Crack Cocaine

Likewise, parents will show similar signs.

One of the signs mentioned above is irresponsible behavior. For a parent, responsibility is part of their title as a Mom or Dad. Sadly, all thought of responsibility goes out the window and the number one issue is getting more crack.

Your parent may also disappear for long periods of time without a reason why.

It may be difficult to pry into your parent’s life. Confide in a trusted relative who can help you to find out if your parent is an addict.

Intervention for Crack Cocaine Abuse

As you can see, getting treatment for crack cocaine is vital. If the addiction isn’t checked, the habit could cause irreversible damage.

The good news is that a person can break free from an addiction to crack cocaine. But the first step is one of the hardest. Many who have a cocaine addiction do not believe they have a problem, convincing them is the first hurdle.

Crack cocaine floods the brain with neurotransmitters. To keep this high, they will need to keep increasing the amount. They will also lose pleasure from the normal everyday things in life.

This means that an addict will find it extremely hard to break free. Even if they promise you they’re clean, it’s only a matter of time before another binge.

A person may use the drug for three to five days. Then they will sleep for about two to four days. Immediately after they’ve had their latest binge, you need to begin the intervention.

The first step is up to you. You should meet an intervention specialist and prepare the official intervention. You should do this without the addict being present.

Secondly the formal intervention. You should arrange this after the addict sleeps off the latest binge. This is the perfect opportunity to speak to them about their addiction, as you are more likely to convince them that they are in need of help.

Beyond Crack Cocaine Symptoms and Warning Signs

It’s clear to see that breaking free from a crack cocaine addiction is not a walk in the park. Your loved one will need a helping hand.

If you can see crack cocaine symptoms and warning signs in your loved one, what should you do next? Don’t wait for the problem to get worse.

Contact us today and we can help your loved one get back on the right track.