It’s an unfortunate fact that there is a wide variety of dangerous drugs available these days. All kinds of substances are available to all kinds of people. These substances, especially the more addictive ones, can cause all kinds of problems.
If you or someone you knowing is dealing with drug abuse of any kind, you know it’s no laughing matter. Long-term drug addictions can cause serious mental and physical problems for users. Plus, these behaviors can destroy relationships and damage lives in many other ways.
Addiction to methamphetamines is a genuine cause for concern. That’s why it’s sometimes even necessary to arrange a drug addiction intervention for a loved one.
When dealing with meth addiction and abuse, you need to keep yourself informed. Learn everything you need to know in case the information will come in handy someday. You and your loved ones deserve to live addiction-free.
Meth Addiction Statistics
The fact of the matter is that meth abuse is all too common throughout the United States. If you want to keep yourself and your loved ones away from this substance’s negative effects, you need to get educated. Continue reading to learn the overarching trends and statistics resulting from the country’s problem with meth addiction.?

General Statistics on Addiction to Meth
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) classifies methamphetamine as a stimulant. Stimulants comprise a class of drugs that share known common side effects.
NIDA reports that these stimulants have been dangerous for a large number of Americans, unfortunately. In 2009 alone, NIDA reports that over 93,000 emergency hospitalizations occurred due to stimulants like meth. It’s clear that this substance, when abused, is no small matter and should be taken seriously.
There is some good news in the world of meth statistics. Younger generations, like those in high school, seem to be avoiding the substance more than their predecessors. The year 2018 was an all-time low for the number of high schoolers using meth, according to NIDA.
Though the use amongst high school students has dropped recently, meth addiction is still a big problem. You or someone you know might be addicted right now. That is not something to ignore any longer.
Signs of Meth Abuse
There’s no easy way to tell exactly whether or not someone you know (or even yourself) is addicted to meth. All you can do is monitor him or her on a regular basis to see if you can discover a likely behavioral pattern. Keep reading to see if you, yourself, are addicted enough to the substance to seek professional treatment.
Am I Addicted?
There are a couple of things about meth addiction you need to understand. To start, a single use of meth is not an addiction. More than one use of meth can likely develop into an addiction.
In other words, it’s safe practice to avoid the drug entirely to avoid a potential addiction. Still, you might not be convinced that you’re addicted to meth when, in fact, you might be.
It’s not surprising that you’re convincing yourself you’re not addicted. Admitting there’s an issue means you’re admitting you’ll have to give up the beloved substance to get better! Don’t worry, though – it’ll be worthwhile to invest your energy into kicking this addiction.
Don’t be afraid to confront the reality of your situation. Are you seeking and using meth on a regular basis. Is the substance starting to interfere with your daily lifestyle habits?
When meth becomes a serious problem, it can be hard to miss. You’ve heard about or seen meth abusers with sores and scratch marks all over their bodies.
Those sores and scratches are common signs that a person is highly anxious and abusing meth. The stimulant simply creates a reason in many users’ mind to scratch the skin too much for comfort. Do you have obvious skin sores from anxiously scratching?
Consider a different indicator that you’re addicted. Have you alienated yourself from family members and friends? In fact, has someone who cares about you confronted you about your problem?
If you feel as though perhaps you are indeed addicted to and abusing meth, it’s time take action. There’s no need for you to continue such destructive behaviors. There are too many risks to your health and your future.
Dangers of Meth Abuse
The first time someone uses meth in any form, he or she might not be too scared. It’s uncommon for serious symptoms to arise after the first couple uses of the drug. Soon enough, though, any meth use will exhibit at least some of the same major symptoms.
To start, there are some common short-term effects of meth abuse to consider. These include things like difficulty sleeping, aggression, violent mood swings, hyperactivity, paranoia, confusion, anxiety, depression, or even hallucinations. In other words, the body and mind are both affected by the use of such a stimulating substance.
If the addiction continues, even worse dangers can exist. A user’s learning or cognitive abilities can be significantly impaired once meth alters the brain too much. If a meth abuser binges too often, he or she can overdose and, perhaps, die.
Treatment for Meth Addiction and Abuse
At this point in the article, you should have a general understanding of meth addiction and abuse. It’s crucial that if you or someone you love is experiencing this addiction, action needs to be taken.
Perhaps staging a regular drug addiction intervention isn’t going to suffice. Perhaps it’s time for you to seek professional help. A drug abuser is, after all, entitled to the best addiction treatment program available.
Don’t be afraid to seek out more information regarding meth addiction treatment. Whether the treatment is for you or for someone you care about, such treatment can only bring good things.
We know how crucial it is to get an abuser’s life back on track in a healthy environment. Meth addiction and abuse can be stopped and prevented with the proper facilities and resources. That’s why we encourage you to check out more information on meth addiction treatment on our website today.