Arkansas Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Unfortunately, there are very few people in Arkansas who receive treatment for drug or alcohol problems each year. In fact, there are only about 4,500 enrolled in a program in the state at a time, which equals roughly 30,000 throughout the course of a year.

Among persons in Arkansas enrolled in substance use treatment, 34.0% are in treatment for a drug problem only, 14.1% are in a program for an alcohol problem only, and 51.9% are in there for problems with both drugs and alcohol. There are also about 800 people per day receiving opioid replacement therapy, which has increased over the years.

arkansas-smAbout 128,000 people in Arkansas aged 12 or older were dependent on or abused alcohol within the previous year. There are also close to 72,000 people per year who were dependent on or abused illicit drugs.

As you can see, there is a large discrepancy between the number of people abusing or dependent on alcohol and other drugs compared to the number of people actually receiving help for their problems. One of the biggest difficulties for many people is finding an appropriate facility and bed availability.

We can help people in Arkansas find treatment programs that should work with their insurance policies and assist in doing a benefits check at no charge. Our consultants can help you determine what level of care your policy covers and provide you with different program options.

Another barrier to treatment for many people in Arkansas is the need for intervention. Unfortunately, many people avoid using a professional interventionist for one reason or another. Possibly the most common reason cited is because they were told that the addict has to hit rock bottom, but this is absolutely not true for most people. Drug and alcohol interventions help prevent that absolute bottom from occurring and are highly successful in getting people in Arkansas who need the help to agree to go into a treatment program. If you have questions about interventions, feel free to call us and speak with an intervention consultant as well.

One of the best forms of intervention on a community-wide scale is to prevent substance abuse from happening in the first place. Nearly 10 percent of youth in Arkansas reported using illicit drugs in the past month, and a high percentage of them don’t perceive any great risk from smoking marijuana once a month or having five or more drinks a couple times per week.

Arkansas developed a prevention certification in order to help curb the present and future alcohol and drug abuse in the state. The statewide dedication to standards in this regard has been beneficial, though there are still not enough effective resources available to make a significant impact in the state. As a result, there continues to be problems that need to be addressed.

If you know someone in Arkansas who needs help for a drug or alcohol problem, contact us today to find out more about successful treatment programs and intervention practices.

More Recovery Resources for Arkansas

Arkansas Department of Human Services
Division of Behavioral Health Services

Donaghey Plaza, P.O. Box 1437
Little Rock, AR 72203?

The Division of Behavioral Health Services is responsible for ensuring the provision of public behavioral health services, including mental health and substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery services throughout the State of Arkansas. The Division supports, certifies, licenses, and funds behavioral health providers throughout the state. In addition, the Division of Behavioral Health Service operates two behavioral health institutions — the Arkansas State Hospital located in Little Rock and the Arkansas Health Center in Benton.

Arkansas Prevention Certification Board
P.O. Box 56121
Little Rock, AR 72215

AA Meetings in Arkansas

List of Treatment Programs in Arkansas