If you’ve watched much television at all, you’ve probably heard about “magic mushrooms.” These naturally occurring fungi produce interesting effects when people consume them.

In fact, people often consume psychedelic mushrooms for a variety of reasons. Some people simply enjoy the dissociative experience instead of coping with their emotional turmoil. Some people even consider the “magic” in these mushrooms to be religious experiences.

Remember, though, that these mushrooms are only chemically affecting the user’s brain. There’s no magic. Sometimes, there’s even poison.

Consider the very real danger of accidentally eating a poisonous mushroom. The Alcohol and Drug Foundation says this often happens when poisonous mushrooms look too similar to psychedelic ones. That sounds like an intense risk for an otherwise unnecessary habit!

Plus, a person’s health can have long-term consequences when addicted to even the normal psychedelic mushrooms. Continue reading to learn to recognize mushrooms symptoms and warning signs.

Symptoms of Addiction to Mushrooms

Perhaps the first thing you should consider is that it might be hard to convince someone of the dangers of mushrooms. Psychedelic mushrooms aren’t known to produce as many health problems as other drug addictions. For example, it’s not popularly known for causing overdose deaths like heroin is.

Still, there are dangers to consuming too many psychedelic mushrooms. That’s because they’re classified as hallucinogens.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) classifies the psychedelic substance in mushrooms (psilocybin) as a hallucinogen. This class of drugs is associated with an altered sense of reality. This is true, in particular, after extended periods of continued consumption.

Hallucinogens cause, well, hallucinations. This can be fun and exciting for many users – especially at a party. In fact, one of the main dangers of consuming these mushrooms is that they can become too fun.

Long-term symptoms of mushroom addiction go hand-in-hand with its dissociative properties. You might find your loved one experiencing a brand new personality, for example. Experiences of hallucinations can have tremendous effects on how the user simply sense the world around him or her.

Other common side effects include physical symptoms of the body’s overstimulation. Serious mushroom abusers might experience things like an increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, loss of appetite, nausea, stomach pain, or even unnaturally rapid breathing.?

When you notice those symptoms regularly occurring in your family member or friend, do some further research. You might want to continue monitoring him or her to ensure no one’s safety is put at risk. After all, you don’t want that person to end up behind the wheel when they’re high or anything.

Warning Signs a Loved One May Be Abusing Mushrooms

When you’re watching your loved one for signs of mushroom abuse, there’s a certain tipping point. When the behavioral patterns become too disruptive, you need to be prepared to take another step in getting him or her professional help. Still, keep reading to ensure that mushrooms are truly the root of concern either for your child or for your parent.

Is My Child Using Mushrooms?

It’s an unfortunate truth that “magic” mushrooms are commonly associated with partying. Many teenagers and young adults use this substance as a natural stimulant for their frivolity. Just because mushrooms naturally occur, though, doesn’t mean they should be consumed recreationally.

It’s understandable if you’re worried your teenager is consuming mushrooms on a regular basis. The NIDA reports that mushrooms and other hallucinogens are the most widely used drugs by high schoolers. One study shows that over 6% of 12th graders have tried a hallucinogen (like mushrooms) at some point in life.

Don’t take any chances if you’re concerned about your child’s or teen’s potential use of mushrooms. You need to be willing to confront him or her to solve the problem as soon as possible. In serious cases, you’ll even need professional intervention and treatment.

Is My Parent Using Mushrooms?

Perhaps you’re the child or teenager in this scenario. You’re concerned about your parent using an unhealthy amount of psychedelic mushrooms. You’ve noticed that they always seem to be high or at least looking to get high soon.

If that’s the case, don’t worry. There are steps you can take.

Start by consulting another family member you can trust with the issue. If that’s not an option, you might have to go straight to a medical professional or your local authorities.

Intervention for Mushrooms Abuse

Perhaps you’ve become convinced that someone you know and love is consuming psychedelic mushrooms too much. If this habit has started to negatively affect either the user’s or others’ lifestyles, it’s time to intervene.

You’ve likely heard of a drug intervention before. You might’ve even seen one in a movie. It’s known to be successful in convincing close family members or friends that they’re exhibiting unhealthy behaviors.

It’s true that drug abusers need to be made aware of their bad habits. A proper intervention does more than inform them of their errors, though. Interventions by loved ones convince drug users that they have a support system around them who truly cares about them.

After all, an intervention is intended to be a positive experience about moving forward in life. Intervention doesn’t have to be nerve wracking for anyone. Check out this article for more information on arranging an open and honest intervention to stop potential mushroom abuse.

What To Do After Verifying Mushrooms Symptoms and Warning Signs

Sometimes, it’s hard to know what to do when our loved ones are abusing a substance. This is true, in particular, when that substance has been argued as a healthy medication.

Even if your loved one argues that there more benefits than dangers of consuming mushrooms, keep monitoring their behavior. If their habits of consuming mushrooms start to interrupt daily life, it’s time to take some action.

Don’t ignore mushrooms symptoms and warning signs for too long. You don’t want someone you care about to grow too dependent on any one substance. It’s not worth the potential long-term effects.

Check out more information on addiction treatment today. Your loved one deserves your support and encouragement. That support starts by educating yourself on the possible treatment options that can alter his or her life for the better.