When people think of substance abuse, they think of alcohol, cocaine, or the ongoing opioid epidemic in the US. They rarely think of marijuana or hallucinogens.

But 136,000 adolescents between the ages of 12-17 take hallucinogens. Substances that qualify as hallucinogens are LSD, PCP, MDMA, peyote, and psilocybin mushrooms.

Today, we’re looking at the use of mushrooms — also known as magic mushrooms or shrooms.

The first thing we need to discuss is if mushrooms are addictive in the first place.

The short answer is no, but there’s a caveat to that. Mushrooms aren’t addictive in the sense that your body depends on it. But, a user can become addicted to mushrooms psychologically.

While tripping on mushrooms, a user can have erratic behavior. They could make dangerous decisions they wouldn’t ordinarily make.

They may miss work or school because they’d rather take shrooms. They could experience flashbacks between trips.

In this sense, people show signs of addiction. But, they don’t show signs of dependence.

So, even if mushrooms aren’t as dangerous as meth or cocaine, getting treatment is still advised. If you or someone you love abuses mushrooms, you need to know the treatment options.

We discuss them below.

Mushrooms Inpatient

It is very unlikely that someone who uses mushrooms would need to seek inpatient treatment. But, if someone takes shrooms on a regular basis or combines it with other drugs, there may be a larger problem in play. In this situation, inpatient treatment may be a viable solution.

If someone takes mushrooms frequently and has erratic or risky behavior, inpatient treatment may be an option for their own safety.

What Is Inpatient Treatment?

Inpatient treatment is a residential program that focuses on the detoxification of a substance. As such, the patient isn’t able to go home. They stay in the facility until they’re clean and sober or shows marked progress.

In an inpatient program, patients will attend group and individual therapy. Medical staff and a mental health care team oversee the patient’s treatment.

Medical professionals will monitor vital signs through the withdrawal process. Mental health professionals will look for signs of depression or anxiety.

It’s important to note that the withdrawal symptoms of mushrooms are “unknown.” But, users who stop taking them can experience the following psychological withdrawal symptoms:

  • Difficulty speaking
  • Episodes of panic
  • Low impulse control
  • Mood swings
  • Psychotic breaks from reality
  • Rage

Inpatient treatment can help an avid shroom user. The medical staff will assist the patient through these symptoms. They’ll work with psychologists or other mental health care professionals.

Together, they’ll ensure the patient is safe and comfortable during this trying time.

Standard Length of Mushrooms Inpatient Treatment

The standard length of treatment varies with each patient. The substance also plays a part in how long an addict remains at an inpatient facility.

While mushrooms are a schedule I substance, they’re not considered “dangerous” by many researchers. In fact, according to the 2017 Global Drug Survey, shrooms send fewer people to the ER than any other drug in a given year.

But, this doesn’t make them “safe.” It also doesn’t erase the fact that people’s tolerance to mushrooms builds up. This could lead them to take a dangerous amount to feel the same effects they did on a previous trip.?

The average patient admitted for shrooms usually stays in treatment for 28 days or a month. If they’re a polydrug abuser, they could remain in treatment for several months.

Mushrooms Outpatient

Most people who take mushrooms and decide to get clean choose outpatient treatment. Again, because it’s not as “dangerous” as other substances, most users don’t have a need to seek inpatient treatment.

What Is Outpatient Treatment?

Outpatient programs allow the addict to live at home while they seek treatment. It’s still comprehensive in that they receive counseling from a treatment facility. But, it’s not as immersive as inpatient.

An addict in outpatient treatment attends group meetings and may receive individual counseling. They may go to work or school during the day, then receive treatment in the evenings.

This is best for people who have a stable job and place to live. It’s also ideal for people who have a strong support system like family, spouses, and friends.

Standard Length of Mushrooms Outpatient Treatment

Like inpatient treatment, the length of outpatient programs varies. If the addict doesn’t miss meetings and makes substantial progress, they may only need treatment for a couple of months.

If they struggle to stay sober or start abusing other substances, treatment can take up to six months.

Mushrooms Sober Living

In some instances, a recovering addict goes through the entire inpatient treatment process but isn’t ready for the “real world.” This is when sober living becomes an option.

What Is Mushrooms Sober Living?

A sober living facility is also called “sobriety house”, “sober house”, or “halfway house.” This is a residential program between inpatient and outpatient.

The addict will live with up to 12 other recovering addicts. They’ll share responsibilities in the house. The program director will hold them accountable for their choices and actions.

What to Expect

When a recovering addict enters a sober living facility, they are assigned a roommate and a list of chores. These chores consist of cleaning, cooking, laundry, and other housekeeping activities.

They’re expected to find a job if they don’t have one or go to work every day if they do. If they’re in school, 100% attendance is a must.

Sobriety is the No. 1 rule in a sober living facility. The director will drug test the residents. They’ll also perform random room checks.

These efforts show the addict how important responsibility and accountability are in society.

Ongoing Recovery

After treatment ends, the addict still has work to do.

A recovering addict should continue efforts to stay sober by attending 12-step meetings. They may also seek private counseling. They may benefit from individual, family, or marriage counseling sessions.

The most important part of ongoing recovery is to remember that it’s ongoing. This means that sobriety doesn’t happen overnight. Addiction doesn’t go away when they leave a facility.

Find Treatment Now

Like all hallucinogens, mushrooms don’t garner the headlines or attention of harder drugs. But, that doesn’t mean they’re safe or that using them can’t get away from someone and become an addiction.

If you or someone you love has an addiction to mushrooms or other hallucinogens, contact us. One of our addictions specialists will walk you through the steps to finding a treatment plan that fits your needs.