Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction is one of the most challenging things you’ll ever endure. Beyond the physical symptoms you’ll face, rehab and recovery can bring about complicated emotions like shame and uncertainty.
The few days before entering treatment are especially nerve-wracking. You don’t know if supportive staff members will surround you, or if the activities and daily regimen will be ones you enjoy. Plus, even though addiction treatment programs encourage healthy living, there are times when recovery can be rough. This is essential to living a fulfilled life after your treatment is over.
Still, what is rehab like? Continue reading and know why you shouldn’t feel intimidated about entering addiction treatment.
Rehab Is a Time for Change
Change is scary. No matter if you’re an addict or not, no one likes change. You’ll never experience a difference like the one you’ll get from an addiction treatment program.
One of the essential parts of rehab is therapy. You’ll regularly meet with a counselor who will evaluate your life and how it coincided with your addiction.

This will force you to question everything – your family and friends, your mental state, and all of your experiences.
For many, this is therapeutic. For others, this realization is powerful enough to end up in a worse state of mind. Be open-minded and accept change. Understand it will make you a better person in the end.
There Might Be Some Tough Love
Your family and friends will always support you during rehab. The staff works diligently to ensure you recover. But don’t expect a smooth ride. Rehab requires some tough love.
The most influential people in your life will confess and approach specific topics and situations to you, such as the person you were when you were an addict. This can be difficult to hear.
You’ll want to use again, and you’ll combat cravings. The rehab staff knows this, and they will be the first to lay down the rules.
You’ll experience terrible withdrawal symptoms, and you’ll suffer like you never did before. Still, the staff won’t give you the drugs except for the ones that are essential to recovery.
Last but not least, you’ll learn the reality that you can’t turn to drugs or alcohol during difficult times. And those around you will be the first to explain your new life.
As you continue recovery, the process gets more comfortable. You become used to your new life and living without substances. While the beginning stages were challenging, you’ll learn to appreciate how the rehab staff and your loved ones challenged you.
Your Treatment Is Flexible
We will go over the general rehab schedule. Fortunately, rehab is still flexible and individualistic.
First and foremost, your therapy sessions will cater to your needs. All counselors will work with you to find a therapy option that will help you recover. Also, other therapy options can exist, such as family therapy.
Every rehab facility also offers group therapy. This will give you the chance to share your story and to hear other experiences.
You’ll also get some free time that will help benefit your recovery. You’ll be encouraged to stay active, participate in old hobbies, and even create some new favorite pastimes.
Daily Schedule at Inpatient Rehab
Every rehab program is different, but most follow the same protocol. Here’s what a typical day in inpatient rehab would be like for most people.
You must wake up early and eat breakfast. Depending on the rehab center, some offer yoga or meditation classes first thing in the morning. These are optional, but they can help you feel refreshed for the day ahead.
After breakfast and yoga, you’ll start your day with a group session. This can be a 12-step program, or it can be a general group discussion.
Most rehabs save the most intense treatment for the afternoon. After lunch, you’ll have some intense therapy sessions. Examples include individual behavioral therapy, family therapy, and specialized therapy.
Evenings include dinner with another group session. Residents are also required to have an early bedtime.
Free Time
Don’t think rehab is all intensive therapy sessions. Many clinics offer some free time. These hours are usually in the evening and residents can use them however they choose.
Every rehab clinic varies. Some facilities offer diverse activities such as swimming or ping-pong. Most of them provide the option to play sports such as soccer or basketball.
Your free time doesn’t have to be active. You can engage in a hobby such as writing or art. You can also use your free time leisurely to do activities such as pray or read.
After Rehab
Everything you experience in rehab will help make your recovery easier. But what happens after rehab? You don’t have a set schedule, you don’t have your group sessions, and you don’t have a staff surrounding you.
Rehab isn’t the end of your journey. You need the strength to continue sober living as you live the rest of your life.
In rehab, you’ll learn the tools to help prevent relapse. This will help you become more confident as you continue your journey to sobriety.
Many rehab residents find a sober living space or a halfway house beneficial. You’ll be able to work and see your family while still experiencing the benefits of therapy and helpful staff who wants to see you recover.
Sobriety never stops being easy. But this is why you attend rehab. You’ll experience the rough areas, but you’ll notice those are short-lived. You’ll experience the best reward ever, and that reward is a life without addiction.
Are You Looking for a Rehab Center?
Drug rehab isn’t easy, but you have a supportive team on your side during the recovery process.
Rehab clinics have professionals who work hard to give you a better life. You’ll also be able to remain in contact with your family and can engage in different activities to find and fall back in love with your hobbies.
Are you looking for inpatient rehab treatment? Let us help you.