Illinois Addiction Treatment
Whether you’re looking for an inpatient facility, detox center, outpatient program, drug intervention suggestions, or some other type of drug or alcohol rehab center in Illinois, you’ve come to the right place. Addiction Treatment Services can help you go through the whole process of finding the resources you need, including assisting you with insurance verification.
Roughly 9 percent of adolescents in Illinois, about 100,000 individuals, have reported that they’ve used illicit drugs within the past month. Some of these young people simply don’t know the dangers associated with drug and alcohol abuse and would likely no longer be interested in getting drunk or high if they found out just how dangerous substance abuse can be. Unfortunately, many will end up learning this lesson on their own, but will hopefully have the guidance and assistance they need to stay safe.
Even so, only about 60% of adolescents in Illinois didn’t think binge drinking once or twice per week doesn’t pose a great risk to them. This attitude and similar views toward substance abuse are important to monitor for future generations, because they leave teens at a greater risk of inadvertently hurting themselves or others in some way.

As substance abuse progresses in Illinois, the need for drug and alcohol interventions become more apparent. Many families struggle with the idea that there are things they need to do as well in order to change the situation. A good intervention specialist will work with the addict or person abusing alcohol or drugs and work with the family members to help them understand their roles in recovery as well.
There are currently about 255,000 people in Illinois who are dependent on or abused illicit drugs within the past year. Surveys also indicate more than 680,000 heavy drinkers per year, and a total of nearly 770,000 people in the state who were dependent on or abused alcohol recently. Plus, the average costs associated with substance-abuse related tragedies in the state is over $3.5 billion a year.
Rehab Treatment in Illinois
Compared to those in need of treatment, only a small percentage of those people actually receive help for their alcohol and drug problems. Right now, less than 6% of people abusing or dependent on alcohol get help, while about 13% of those abusing drugs find treatment. Overall, less than 45,000 people are in a treatment program in Illinois on a given day, including those in detox centers, inpatient rehabs, and outpatient programs.
Of those receiving help, about 35% entered treatment for drugs only, 22% for alcohol only, and the remaining 43% were for both alcohol and drugs. Given the rise in opiate addictions in Illinois and throughout the country, there are more than 11,000 people taking methadone daily and another 1,200 taking buprenorphine for drug replacement therapies.
Sometimes people are directed toward treatment options because it seems to be the easiest type of treatment available, or because it seems more affordable per day. However, small daily fees with no end in sight definitely rack up over time. The good news is that treatment programs are becoming more accessible than ever through insurance.
Find a Rehab Center in Illinois Today
To learn more about the various treatment options and rehab centers in Illinois, speak with one of our experienced treatment consultants. Call us today to get started and continue reading to find out more information about addiction treatment in Illinois.
Additional Resources for Illinois
Illinois Department of Human Services
Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (DASA)
100 South Grand Avenue East
Springfield, Illinois 62762
The Deparment’s mission is “founded upon the belief that human suffering and social and economic loss caused by the illness of alcoholism, addiction to controlled substances and the abuse and misuse of alcohol and other drugs are matters of grave concern to the people of the state of Illinois.”
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Illinois
Get information on local meetings here
Treatment Center Directory for Illinois
Find local programs by clicking here
Drug Enforcement Administration Offices
Kluczynski Federal Building
230 South Dearborn Street, Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60604
Diversion Number: (312) 353-7875
2875 Via Verde Street
Springfield, IL 62703
Diversion Number: (217) 585-2751