Montana Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Having too many addiction treatment centers to choose from often makes the decision harder, not easier. And it is easy to make a mistake when you are stressed and not thinking clearly, perhaps leading you to a rehab treatment facility that is not right for you.

Addiction Treatment Services can explain each of your options to help you decide which rehab treatment center is best for you and your family.
You are ready for help now, and that is exactly why we are here. Call us for immediate help in making those crucial decisions. You shouldn’t have to wait for help when you are ready to ask for it!
Finding the right addiction treatment center in Montana
Considering an outpatient treatment? Don’t! Outpatient is never a good first option for someone with a drug or alcohol addiction problem. It is a phase of a comprehensive program, but shouldn’t be the initial phase of treatment if relapse is to be avoided.
There are many kinds of addiction treatment programs. If you have relapsed in treatment in the past, it may well be because the rehab program you attended wasn’t a good fit. You may also have been in rehab too close to home, and that is a common mistake when choosing an addiction treatment center.
We’re here to help you avoid those mistakes, so call us.
Addiction treatment centers in Montana
To improve your chances for staying clean and sober long-term, often it is best to be in a completely different region of the country in order for you to be able to focus fully and beneficially on their rehab.
Many people fail in a local rehab programs because they can easily leave the center and reconnect with friends who are using, or even supply them with drugs or alcohol while they are in treatment. Don’t set yourself up for this kind of failure when you have many other options.
Addiction Treatment Services has professional links to many highly regarded and credentialed rehab facilities across the nation. We won’t suggest any drug and alcohol treatment facility that doesn’t share our own core value of individualized and client-centered care
Call us now and we’ll see which one of our addiction treatment partners is the best fit for you and your long-term recovery.
More Resources for Addiction Recovery in Montana
Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Addictive & Mental Disorders Division
100 N. Park
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 444-3964