Newark Inpatient Drug Rehab Information

Looking for rehab treatment resources for substance abuse treatment or addiction rehab in Newark, New Jersey? Good news, you’re looking in the right place, because Addiction Treatment Services can help.

At Addiction Treatment Services, we help people find drug and alcohol rehab program or treatment center that can give them the help they need. We can help you find effective, credible alcohol and drug rehab centers in Newark, NJ that offer the addiction treatment services you’re looking for.

New Jersey is struggling to battle the crippling opioid epidemic causing strain on communities and economies all over the country. Heroin and fentanyl-related tragedies and accidents are on the rise, more so in the Northeast and Midwest regions of the U.S.

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Rehab Treatment Options in Newark, NJ

As opioid addiction numbers increase all over the country, including Newark, New Jersey, means that people are starting to abuse other substances more as well. Opioid usage often coincides with or leads to other substances being abused, which is part of what makes it such a dangerous and difficult to combat issue on a large scale.

However, there are a variety of different rehab centers types available, some of which even specialize in treating specific addictions and their related issues, offering more effective treatment in some cases. Most treatment plans can be used when treating any addiction, but depending on the severity of a patient’s case, additional treatment options may be suggested.

Some of the common types of rehab options in Newark, NJ are:

  • Inpatient programs (30, 60, 90 day)
  • Outpatient programs
  • Detox programs
  • Behavioral therapy programs

We Can Help – Call Now (877) 455-0055

We Can Help You Find an Inpatient Rehab Center in Newark

Whether you’re looking for treatment in Newark, other parts of New Jersey, or in another state altogether, Addiction Treatment Services can help you find it. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7, so call us now to get started and take the first step towards addiction recovery.

newark nj inpatient drug rehab