Adderall addiction is a serious problem in the United States. While the prescription medication is necessary for those suffering from ADHD, those without the condition often find it provides a “pick-me-up.”
This boost of energy encourages people to keep taking it, even if they weren’t prescribed it, resulting in an addiction.
If you are concerned a loved one may suffer from an Adderall addiction, read the information here.
Adderall Addiction Statistics
Learn about some common statistics of Adderall addiction here.
General Stats on Addiction to Adderall
From the period of 2008 to 2012, the total number of Americans who were taking medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) increased by about 36 percent, leading to the Adderall addiction problem. Today, the number of people diagnosed with ADHD is getting closer and closer to 10 million. This means the pharmaceutical drugs used for treating this disease are higher than ever before.
Even though the intended purpose of Adderall is for treating ADHD, there are many people today who abuse it. Most commonly, people looking for a quick “pick-me-up” are the ones who begin taking Adderall when it isn’t needed.
Emergency room visits and abuse of Adderall has risen dramatically in younger adults, even though the number of prescriptions for this stimulate haven’t.
One of the things that make Adderall unique from other prescription rugs is that it won’t cause an addiction in people who really need it. This is true as long as they stick to the amount prescribed to them.

In fact, for those who are prescribed Adderall, it has the opposite effect, serving as a type of depressant.
However, because it’s so easy to access Adderall today, people who aren’t prescribed it find it easier than ever to access the medication.
Signs of Adderall Abuse
While it’s often difficult to tell when someone close to you is abusing a substance like Adderall, there are some signs you can watch for.
Regardless of if the person in question has a prescription for Adderall or not, if their substance use has transformed into abuse, some of the most common physical signs you may see include:
- Irregular heartbeat
- Anxiety
- Insomnia or other sleep issues
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Restlessness
- Nausea
- Unusual talkativeness
- Dry mouth
- Headaches
- Reduced appetite
- Hoarse sounding voice
- Digestive issues
- Secretiveness
- Social withdrawal
- Chances in sex drive/libido
Those are the less serious signs of an Adderall addiction. More serious signs of this addiction that can lead to more severe consequences include:
- Seizures
- High blood pressure
- Hallucinations
- Elevated body temperature
- Altered vision
- Chest pain
- Unexplained skin irritations
- Aggressive behavior
- Convulsions
- Manic behavior
- Muscle weakness
- Paranoia
- Numbness
- Dizziness
- Depression
The symptoms and side effects of Adderall addiction can become extremely serious. However, there are also other symptoms to be aware of.
Some of the most common psychological symptoms of Adderall abuse include:
- Social withdrawal from others due to the drug’s use
- No confidence in performing tasks you feel are enhanced when taking the drug
- Cravings for the drug
- Depression if the drug isn’t taken
- General anxiety or panic attacks when the dose is stopped or lowered
Other issues you may notice with a person’s behavior who is suffering from an Adderall addiction include:
- Taking the drug using unintended ways including injecting a solution of pills that are crushed and water, or snorting crushed pills
- Taking the drug more often than prescribed
- Taking it more frequently than prescribed
- Taking another person’s Adderall
- Taking the drug for reasons not specified with medical needs
- Being unsuccessful when trying to quit using the drug
- Spending too much on Adderall
- Using it drug even after negative consequences occur
- Purchasing it from an unlawful source
Many of the people who wind up abusing Adderall or other types of amphetamines may also suffer from co-occurring mental health disorders. These include anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, depression, and other substance abuse/use disorders, such as alcoholism.
Am I Addicted?
If you suffer from one, or more, of the symptoms listed above, then the answer to “am I addicted,” is likely “yes.” At this point, it’s a good idea to seek professional help and treatment.
Today, there are countless treatment programs that can help you overcome this problem.
Dangers of Adderall Abuse
Something important to understand is that because Adderall contains amphetamine, it isn’t unusual for a person to develop a serious tolerance to the substance, rather quickly.
If you or someone you love continues to abuse the drug, they are going to put themselves in danger of a more serious mental and physical decline. As the brain begins to adapt to, and also takes for granted the drug’s presence, it requires more and more of it to continue functioning. This is what leads to a possible overdose.
As time passes, brain function can also suffer, which can lead to more serious mental health conditions, including depression. The stress and physical side effects can take a serious toll on your body.
As threatening as an active Adderall abuse problem is, withdrawal is also quite dangerous. This is because your brain becomes dependent on the drug.
When you stop taking Adderall, levels of dopamine drop, which can lead to critical levels of physical distress, thoughts of suicide, psychosis, insomnia, depression, and anxiety.
Some of the symptoms of withdrawal include:
- Flu-like symptoms
- Increased appetite
- Irregular heartbeat
- Weight gain
- Tremors
- Decreased energy
- Sweating excessively
- Body chills
- Increased need for sleep
Several of these symptoms are reversed right away when you start taking the drug once again. As a result, the cycle of withdrawal and tolerance may create a cycle of drug abuse. This would be a period of trying to cut down or stop taking it, followed by a time of heavier use.
Keep in mind, while there are more than a few adverse consequences of Adderall abuse and addiction to your body and mind, it can also impact your life. In fact, addiction can lead to issues with personal relationships, with your job, financial problems and more.
Understanding Adderall Addictions: Now You Know
Adderall addiction is something that many people struggle with. If you or someone you love is suffering from this problem, then seeking Adderall addiction treatment is the best thing you can do.
For more information about treatment programs, reach out to us today. We are here to help you overcome the substance abuse challenges you face, regardless of what they may be.