California Addiction Treatment Information
California has a high population of people in need of help for substance abuse, but in contrast, only about 9% of those actually received it within the past year. While this is still over 200,000 people for the state over the course of a year, there is a large gap between the number of people who need help in California and those who actually receive it.
For many people, bed availability and cost are the biggest barriers to entering treatment after a decision has been made to stop using drugs and alcohol. Recent changes in laws regarding insurance coverage, and specifically behavioral health benefits, have helped thousands more people in California find treatment help.

We provide a complimentary insurance verification service for people in California seeking a program for alcohol or drug abuse. From there we can help find facilities that should be able to work with your insurance and provide quality treatment help.
There are of course numerous types of rehabilitation programs available for people in California. The continuum of care spectrum may include any or all of the following: detoxification, inpatient treatment, outpatient care and sober living.
In California, there are almost a million people who are dependent on or have abused illicit drugs within the past year, and an additional 2.3 million who have an alcohol problem. These numbers have remained fairly steady in recent years. In contrast, there are less than 130,000 people in treatment in California on a given day, a number that has declined slightly over the past few years.
Of those in treatment, about 38% percent were enrolled for a problem with drugs and 19% for alcohol. The remaining 43% were in treatment for both alcohol and drug abuse combined. Opiate addiction has been rising in California like other parts of the country, as have the number of people receiving either methadone or buprenorphine as long-term maintenance drugs, which equal roughly 30,000 and 1,900, respectively.
Attitudes and behaviors of youth are crucial when trying to predict the substance abuse patterns and need for treatment. There are more than 350,000 adolescents who reported using illicit drugs in the past month. Additionally, about 78 of adolescents in California didn’t think it was a big risk to smoke marijuana once a month, and 59% didn’t perceive great risk in having five or more alcoholic drinks once or twice per week.
When occasional abuse goes unchecked then it turns into chronic abuse and addiction. Often times people in California are unsure how to get help for their loved ones, and there are many theories about interventions that float around. Contact us to learn more about effective drug and alcohol interventions in California and appropriate treatment facilities.
Addiction Rehab Treatment Services in California
Throughout the state of California, people are struggling with the disease of addiction, and you may be one of them. When you become an addiction to drugs or alcohol, they take control of your life and can affect your personal life, family life as well as your professional life. You may feel lost, confused, and hopeless when it comes to your addiction, but you should know that there are quite a few treatment centers that can help you recover. Not only can treatment facilities help you overcome your addiction, but they can help you with any underlying mental health issues you may have as well.
The Addiction Crisis in California
According to recent statistics, alcoholism was one of the primary issues when it comes to addiction in the entire state. While many people think that drug addiction is an overwhelming problem, six percent of Californians meet the criteria being addicted to alcohol, and only three percent meet that criterion when it comes to illicit drugs. It’s essential to realize that alcohol can ruin your life even though it’s legal, and it’s one of the leading causes of death in the country as well. Compared to illicit drugs, alcohol leads to far more health issues when you’re regularly drinking and in excess.
What’s troubling is that many of the people in California developing substance use problems are young adults between the ages 18 and 27 years old. It was reported that by junior year of high school, over half of the students had used alcohol, and roughly 40 percent have tried marijuana. Young people are highly susceptible to the disease of addiction ass well because their brains are not yet fully formed. The part of the brain that tells you when you should stop drinking or using drugs because of the consequences, the prefrontal cortex, doesn’t fully develop until a person’s mid- to late-20s. The good news is that young people also have the best chances of recovery because addiction is a progressive illness, so it’s less severe in the early stages when you haven’t been drinking or using for years.
Much like the rest of the country, Californians are also being hit with the opioid epidemic. Each year, there are tens of thousands of opioid-related deaths throughout the United States that involved prescription opioids, heroin, and fentanyl. Between the years of 2006 and 2017, the number of Californians admitted to hospitals for heroin-related emergencies has more than tripled, so it’s a problem that the state is dealing with. Not only does this type of addiction destroy and end lives, but it also leads to more crime and the spread of infectious diseases.
How to Get Help in CA for Addiction
If you’re one of the Californians who is struggling with an addiction, there are a variety of different treatment options available for you to choose from. We’re here to help you find the right one based on what your needs are, and we work with the best treatment centers throughout the state. The first step is to understand how severe your addiction is and what the best type of treatment program is for you. For most people struggling with addiction in California, inpatient treatment is the best option to begin setting up a foundation for recovery.
Some people make the mistake of trying to go to outpatient treatment too soon, and this can lead to relapse when you’re struggling with a severe addiction or experience chronic relapses. Residential treatment gives you the time you need to embrace your recovery and focus on yourself without worrying about the stresses of the outside world. This is also an essential level of care, to begin with, once you realize that you can’t trust yourself in early recovery. You may be one of the many people who struggle with an addiction who has said you wouldn’t drink or use that day, but you did anyway. In a residential treatment program, you’ll be in a safe place with people who understand and can help.
In a residential treatment program, your days will be filled with different programs that are going to help you get to the root of your problems and begin your recovery journey. You’ll go through both individual as well as group therapy sessions, and some facilities offer a variety of other therapies as well. Some of the best treatment centers in the state use evidence-based treatment methods because these are therapies that have been scientifically proven to help you overcome your addiction, heal your brain and also combat symptoms of mental illness.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs
One of the leading causes of addiction is when you have an undiagnosed mental illness. As you’ve learned, many people start abusing substances at a young age, and mental illness symptoms often develop around this time as well. The symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD, or other disorders can creep in and lead to you trying to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. As you’ve probably realized, substance abuse makes your symptoms even worse.
At a qualified addiction treatment center that offers dual diagnosis treatment, you’ll receive treatment for your addiction as well as your mental health. If you’re struggling with the symptoms of mental illness, you’re going to be given tools that can help you cope in much better ways. You’re going to be working with addiction professionals who will help you figure out if medications are the best option, or you may find that holistic methods are right for you. Many people begin to see the decreases in their symptoms of mental illness as they continue to stay sober.
If you’re ready to get the treatment that you need, allow our team of treatment specialists to help you. We’ll provide you with a full assessment and help link you up with a treatment center that’s right for you. Give us a call today if you’re ready to begin on the path of recovery.
Additional Resources in California
California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)
Substance Use Disorder Services
1501 Capitol Avenue, MS 4000
P.O. Box 997413
Sacramento, CA 95899-7413
Treatment Center Directory for California
Search for treatment centers here
Adult Children of Alcoholics
World Service Organization
PO Box 3216
Torrance, CA 90510
Cocaine Anonymous
World Service Office
3740 Overland Avenue, Suite C
Los Angeles, CA 90034-6377
Alcohol Justice
24 Belvedere Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Marijuana Anonymous
P.O. Box 7807
Torrance, CA 90504-9207
Nar-Anon Family Grouop
22527 Crenshaw Boulevard, Suite 200B
Torrance, CA 90505
Narcotics Anonymous
World Service Office
PO Box 9999
Van Nuys, CA 91409
National Association on Alcohol, Drugs and Disability
2165 Bunker Hill Drive
San Mateo, CA 94402-3801
Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists
P.O. Box 9513
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 769-1831