Finding a rehab center in Rochester can be difficult if you’re not sure what treatment programs you’re looking for or what insurance benefits may be available to you. Thankfully, Addiction Treatment Services can take most of this burden off your hands. We’ll help you find the best rehab facility in Minnesota for your unique situation so you can focus on your recovery.

Addiction Treatment Services will verify your insurance coverage, pair you with in-network drug and alcohol treatment centers, and find out how much of your treatment option costs will be covered under your health insurance.

Rehab Treatment Programs in Rochester, MN

We want to help you find the rehab services you need. When you call us, we’ll review your insurance benefits and verify your coverage for inpatient rehab in Rochester. Most types of drug and alcohol rehab treatment can be effective for any addiction. But depending on the severity of your case, intensive individualized treatment programs may be suggested in order to give you the most effective treatment experience possible.

Some of the popular substance abuse treatments in Rochester are:

  • Medically Assisted Treatment
  • Detox programs
  • Inpatient treatment (30, 60, or 90 days)
  • Outpatient treatment plans

The behavioral health side of addiction recovery is also starting to be taken more seriously nowadays. Integrated treatment facilities are gaining popularity since they specialize in treating dual diagnosis patients (people who suffer from addiction to drugs and/or alcohol who also have one or more underlying mental health disorders). Even less specialized rehab centers are focusing on mental and behavioral health since it’s well known that ailments like depression and anxiety can impact addiction recovery.

We Can Help You Find Inpatient Treatment in Rochester

Whether you’re looking for rehab treatment in Rochester, Minnesota or somewhere else in the state, we can help you get started. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7, so call now.