If you’re trying to find drug or alcohol rehab treatment in Albany, New York, then you’ve come to the right place. Addiction Treatment Services can help you find inpatient drug rehab in Albany, outpatient treatment, a detox center, or whatever addiction treatments you’re looking for. We want you to be able to focus on your recovery as much as possible, rather than trying to make sense of complicated insurance details and treatment options on your own.

Rehab Treatment Services in Albany

At Addiction Treatment Services, we help people find the drug and alcohol abuse treatment that will be the most effective in helping them reach their recovery and sobriety goals. When you call us, we?ll verify your insurance coverage for rehab services, help you find out what types of treatment would best suit your situation, and make sure you aware of any out of pocket costs that may be expected of you.

Many traditional rehab options work well with drug and alcohol addictions equally, as well as being effective against less extreme instances of substance abuse. That said, there are times when additional intensive and individualized treatment may be needed in order for a patient to get the most effective treatment possible.

Some of the more common alcohol and drug rehab options in Albany include:

  • Detoxification programs
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Medically Assisted Treatment (usually for heroin or opioid addiction)

Behavioral health concerns are also being taken more seriously in the medical industry, but especially in alcohol and drug rehab services. Integrated treatment centers specialize in treating dual diagnosis patients (people who suffer from addiction to drugs and/or alcohol while also struggling with an underlying mental health or behavioral disorder). Even less specialized rehab facilities are putting more focus on mental and behavioral health, since ailments like depression and anxiety can stunt the success of treatment. Plus, people have more effective recovery when they treat their mental health as seriously as their physical recovery during addiction treatment.

Get Started Finding A Treatment Center in Albany

Choosing to seek addiction treatment can be a scary first step to take, but it still puts you on a path towards sobriety, and we want to help you and your loved ones achieve long-term sobriety. We can help you verify your insurance coverage, find the addiction treatment program that best suits your situation, and help you narrow down which rehab centers near you will be the best fit for your recovery goals.

Whether you?re looking for inpatient?rehab in Albany or somewhere else in New York, we can help you get started. All you have to do is pick up the phone and give us a call to get started.