Addiction Treatment Information in Akron
Finding a rehab center in Akron can be difficult if you’re not sure what treatment programs you’re looking for or what insurance benefits may be available to you. Thankfully, Addiction Treatment Services can take most of this burden off your hands. We’ll help you find a rehab facility in Ohio for your unique situation so you can focus on your recovery.
Addiction Treatment Services will verify your insurance coverage, pair you with in-network drug and alcohol treatment centers, and find out how much of your treatment option costs will be covered under your health insurance.
Unfortunately, there’s a rising opioid and heroin epidemic in Ohio. An estimated 200,000 Ohioans are addicted to heroin and other opioids alone. Sadly, these numbers and the number of tragedies associated with them are on the rise. This issue has gotten severe enough that in 2017, Akron citizens voted in favor of Akron city schools carrying opioid overdose medication naloxone. But simply having overdose treatment medications available in the event of an emergency doesn’t mean the underlying epidemic can be ignored. Getting addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one.
We Can Help – Call Now (877) 455-0055
Treatment Options in Akron, OH
Our goal is to help you find the treatment program and rehab center near Akron that will offer you the individualized treatment you need for a successful recovery. Addiction Treatment Services will verify your insurance coverage to see what types and how much of your treatment will be covered under your insurance. We’ll also help you narrow down which approaches to drug and alcohol rehab treatment will be best for your unique situation as we match you to an appropriate rehab facility.
Some treatment programs and centers specialize in helping their patients overcome addictions to specific substances, while others may focus on addiction overall or only specialize in a few substances. Most treatment plans apply to alcohol and drug addiction equally, as well as less extreme substance abuse issues, but depending on the severity and type of addiction you’re struggling with, you may need to go through additional types of individualized treatment in order to increase your chances of successful long-term recovery.
Some of the most common substance abuse treatments available in Akron are:
- Medically Assisted Treatment (for heroin and opiate addiction)
- Detoxification programs
- Inpatient treatment (30, 60, or 90 days typically)
- Outpatient treatment plans
Behavioral health concerns are also being taken more seriously at integrated treatment facilities and less specialized recovery centers. This is especially beneficial for dual diagnosis patients who suffer from addiction to drugs and/or alcohol while also struggling with an underlying mental health or behavioral disorder, such as depression, anxiety, or an eating disorder. Emotional and mental health issues often help cause or worsen substance abuse but there are stronger recovery results in those who treat their mental health as seriously as their physical recovery during addiction treatment.
We’ll Help You Find a Treatment Center in Akron
Whether you’re looking for treatment in Akron, other parts of Ohio, or in another state altogether, Addiction Treatment Services is here to help you. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7, so call us now to get started and take the first step towards addiction recovery.