The most recent data shows that nearly 3% of adults take ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder) medication. These drugs include Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, and Dexedrine, all of which have a similar effect.
However, in this article, we’ll focus exclusively on Dexedrine and Dexedrine addiction and abuse.
Dexedrine is a prescription medication that most commonly treats ADHD. For those who display ADHD symptoms, Dexedrine can help them feel more focused and able to complete tasks at hand. People may then become dependent on the medication in order to focus on anything.
The medication is also used on individuals who have sleep disorders like narcolepsy. For people who have trouble staying awake, Dexedrine can actually stimulate their body to keep them in a more alert state.
The drug contains amphetamine and was originally created to help with hangovers, depression, and nasal congestion. Rather recently, doctors have found that this medication can help with ADHD and sleep disorders.
It is, however, addictive enough that it is categorized as a Schedule II drug. This means there is a likelihood that some individuals may become dependent on it.
Dexedrine Addiction and Abuse Statistics
This medication is almost exclusively abused by teenagers and young adults. This doesn’t mean that other individuals in other demographics do not abuse it, but it is less common. We’ll go over some of the common reasons why the drug is most popular in this specific age group.
General Stats on Addiction to Dexedrine
Most people who abuse this drug, as stated above, are teenagers and young adults. They typically take the medication to help them focus on a test or on studying. They may also take it as a way to help them “pull an all-nighter,” especially if coffee doesn’t do the trick.
A large percentage of Dexedrine users are in high school or college and are attempting to pull up their grades. They may also go to school in a highly competitive environment, which can exacerbate the use of the drug. Because students at these institutions feel immense pressure to perform well, they may take the drug in order to get through big tests or benchmarks.

Other groups that might take Dexedrine include graduate students or individuals who work high-stress jobs that require them to be awake long hours. Those who are working as interns or graduate students in science labs, for example, may be faced with a huge amount of work for their own personal projects and their program. As such, they may turn to Dexedrine in order to help them focus on the tasks.
In fact, 9% of doctoral pharmacy students have abused Dexedrine or a similar medication.
Those addicted to Dexedrine may obtain the drug through a legitimate doctor’s prescription and become dependent. They may also buy it illegally off of friends who have been prescribed the drug, or via the Internet and other channels.
Signs Of Dexedrine Abuse
When an individual takes Dexedrine, they will be more alert, more focused, and have more energy. When the pill is taken in excess, the symptoms may appear more exaggerated.
If Dexedrine is taken by an individual who does not have ADHD, the side effects may appear very exaggerated. This can manifest as the person appearing restless, where they may talk very fast, pace or act as though their thoughts are racing.
A person with an addiction to Dexedrine may sweat a lot, lose weight, have erratic breathing, vomit, develop a tic, or suffer from severe insomnia.
Most commonly, those who are addicted to Dexedrine will begin to display bizarre behaviors. They may be on Dexedrine even when they’re not studying or needing to focus.
They may “doctor shop,” or go around to numerous doctors asking for a prescription for Dexedrine. Often, they will ask for it by name or mimic symptoms of individuals who genuinely have ADHD in order to get the prescription.
They may “lose” the prescription quite often so that they need a new one. Or, they may begin to order it off of the Internet or from other dubious sources.
Addicts may also become withdrawn, become unable to function without Dexedrine, or they may suffer financial difficulty from purchasing too much of the medication.
You may be addicted to Dexedrine if you cannot forego the medication or you feel you need it in order to focus or study even if you have never been diagnosed with ADHD. You may also be addicted if you find yourself habitually using it to pull “all-nighters.”
Dangers of Dexedrine Abuse
Individuals who take Dexedrine daily may develop physical and psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms may include increased blood pressure and an increased chance of dying from a heart attack.
Long-term Dexedrine use can also lead to severe psychological symptoms. These may include aggression and psychotic behavior including psychotic breaks with reality or manic episodes.
If an individual takes too much Dexedrine at once, this can lead to a life-threatening situation. Overdosing on Dexedrine is possible, and may lead to death.
If you suspect you or someone you know has overdosed on Dexedrine, contact 911 or local emergency services. It is a serious situation. Not acting quickly enough could reduce in the loss of a life.
Although it may not seem like it, recovery from Dexedrine addiction and abuse is possible. If you believe you or someone you love is addicted, contact us immediately. We can help you or your loved one start a life without a dependence on Dexedrine.