The U.S. government classifies Dexedrine as a Schedule II controlled substance. This means studies have shown it to have medical uses. But it has a high risk of abuse.

Dexedrine, also known as dextroamphetamine, is a prescription drug. Like most amphetamines, it functions as a stimulant. Most often the drug treats symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy.

It interacts with an ADHD brain to slow it down and control impulsive reactions. It works as a filter between the brain and the body.

To treat narcolepsy it helps patients feel more alert. It does this by raising levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain.

While this drug treats these two ailments, it can cause problems if abused. Taking them as prescribed will often reduce Dexedrine withdrawal intensity.

What Causes Dexedrine Withdrawal

As is the case with many prescription drugs, the brain adjusts to the presence of a foreign substance. This, by itself, demonstrates the remarkable adaptive properties of the brain. It isn’t a bad thing.

But, once the brain adapts, problems arise if the levels of that substance fall below normal. For Dexedrine, the withdrawal symptoms can start within 24 hours.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms vary from person to person. They also depend on dosage, regularity of use, and the method used to take it.

But no matter the severity, the symptoms range from mild to severe discomfort. Stimulants, in most cases, do not have life-threatening physiological withdrawal symptoms.

While a person can handle the symptoms alone, medical aid may make the process smoother.

Duration of Dexedrine Withdrawal

Withdrawal from Dexedrine often lasts only a few days. Those few days can seem to drag with severe symptoms. Still, lasting only a week puts the withdrawal time as short by comparison.

However, not all symptoms will vanish within those first few days. Any symptoms persisting beyond the first week or reappearing later, require medical care.

Some of the less severe symptoms include constant feelings of hunger or thirst. Try to stick to a regular eating schedule and increase water consumption. To prevent loss of electrolytes, drink a sports drink also.

A person may find their sleep needs and patterns have changed. Again, consistency is key in recovery. Establish set bedtimes and naptimes if needed.

The next symptom makes withdrawal a pain when coupled with irregular sleep. While you sleep, you may have odd or vivid dreams. These don’t present any danger, other than leaving you feeling tired.

Fatigue will also accompany the other issues. Getting moving when your body feels tired requires great willpower. But it can help maintain regular sleep patterns and fight the lack of interest that can occur.

Irritability takes its place as the final of the less-extreme symptoms. Inform others of the potential, and ask for patience in advance.

Withdrawal can have more severe symptoms. These bear closer examination. If they last more than a week, seek medical help.

Anxiety and paranoia commonly occur as part of a withdrawal from Dexedrine. Having someone on call to discuss these symptoms can aid regrounding in reality.

The final and most severe psychological symptom is depression. Mild depression may not be a problem. Severe depression can lead to suicidal thoughts.

Seek medical attention immediately if suicidal thoughts start to pop up.

Withdrawal Timeline

In the best cases, symptoms fade within a week. But this represents best cases, not all cases.

The timeline will change depending on several factors.

Also, if symptoms recur after several months, medical treatment aids the recovery process. These recurrences are known as Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms or PAWS.

Detoxing From Dexedrine on Your Own

It is possible to detox from Dexedrine without medical aid. While not always advisable, it can still be done. Make a note of when you quit and keep track of symptoms and their durations.

If you experience PAWS, pay attention and seek aid. These symptoms should never be ignored. A relapse into abuse becomes more likely at this time.

The brain won’t feel normal for at least a week. It is critical to allow your brain to readjust during this time. Despite the difficulty, the brain must learn how to function in the absence of the drug.

Medical Detox for Dexedrine

Sometimes, medical professionals monitoring the detox help it to go smoother. For Dexedrine, inpatient and outpatient services are both common.

Sometimes one experiences violence and aggression while recovering. In this case, medical or inpatient help needs to be sought immediately. A person going through withdrawal with this symptom is a danger to themselves and others.

How Medical Detox Works and What to Expect

All types of available care come with inpatient, outpatient or rehab facility options.

Cognitive behavioral therapy?is a newer method of addiction recovery. Developed in the 60s, it has been used for various psychological disorders. As the name implies, it attempts to retrain the brain.

In recent years, connection and community have risen as effective treatments of addiction. Communication-based family therapy attempts to use the family and support system in recovery.

Everyone sits down with the addict and the doctor in a neutral setting. The group establishes goals and everyone considers the feelings of the addict. Everyone knows their role in the group and no one plays judge or jury.

Medications Available for Dexedrine Detox

Medications don’t aid the Dexedrine withdrawal process in a direct way. Instead, medications treat symptoms such as depression, anxiety or mood swings.

As with most detox efforts, the addiction treatment focuses on removing drugs from the system. Extra drugs are only put into the system for extreme circumstances. An example would be a heavy user who combined Dexedrine with multiple drugs.

Recovery May be Closer Than You Think

The recovery process for Dexedrine withdrawal can be much shorter than with many other drugs. Some parts of the road are slow, but in many cases, the addiction is gone within a week.

If you think you are struggling with a Dexedrine addiction, the first step is always admitting the problem to yourself. Once you admit it, you are already on the road to recovery.

After admitting it, seek help from supportive people. This may not always be family, but tell someone. Once you do, you will have the accountability needed to break the addiction. For more help, or to get started, contact us here.