Drug and alcohol abuse is a societal issue that has affected many people in one way or another. Tens of millions of Americans are dealing with addiction. You are not alone if you are fighting drugs and alcohol, and there is professional help available. Unfortunately, most people needing treatment will not seek it due to financial reasons.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota offers quality coverage for addiction treatment at rates that allow more Minnesota residents to get the help they need.

Signs You May Need Rehab

Many who are struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol tend to deny they have a problem. That being true, there are tell-tale signs of addiction that manifest in most people and should be taken seriously. Some of these signs are listed below.

  • Engaging in substance or alcohol abuse in private
  • Feeling guilty because of your habit
  • Slacking off at work
  • Failing in school
  • Ruining valuable longterm relationships
  • Constant problems with the law.

There are more signs of addiction. However, if you see any of the ones listed above manifesting together, then it is probably time to start looking into rehab treatment. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota offers plans for your treatment. Some of these plans require little to zero money from you, depending on the plan and your specific circumstances.

Do Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Plans Cover Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

Yes. Health plans from BCBS of Minnesota provide coverage for drug and alcohol rehab. Keep in mind that there are a few different plans to choose from when seeking coverage for treatment. Each one has different and specific terms regarding the services it covers and the amount of the deductible. While scanning the various plans, you will notice that some offer more coverage than others.

The History of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota

Minnesota was the first Blue health plan in the USA. Back in 1933, seven of the finest hospitals in St. Paul came together and created the Minnesota Hospital Association. It was the first health care network in the country that employed a prepayment model and the first treatment plan to be called Blue Cross.

Shortly after this union, the national Blue Cross Association adopted the Minnesota Blue Cross into its folds. Since then, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota has been providing residents of Minnesota access to quality and affordable health care. As of today, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota are the top healthcare plan in the state covering one in three Minnesotans.

Why do We Need Rehab Coverage?

Previously, society preferred using criminal law when dealing with addiction. People believed drug and alcohol abuse were questions of morality and that a reasonable person would never abuse these or any other substance. This policy or viewpoint led to all types of failures and abuses until society slowly began realizing that police and jailers aren’t qualified to deal with drug and alcohol addiction. Science and medicine have demonstrated that addiction is a medical issue, and history has shown us that medicine works better as a treatment for addiction than the law and punishment.

Both alcohol and drug use can eventually impact the brain and other parts of the body to a point where they begin to change. These changes are biological and require treatment by trained medical and mental health professionals such as medical doctors, psychologists, and counselors. Without the use of morality, experienced workers use effective modern-day treatments that address the physiological and psychological underpinnings of addiction rather than the morality of the choices an addict makes.

How does Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Rehab Coverage Work?

The state maintains a list of healthcare providers that are licensed and approved to offer treatment services for those seeking rehabilitative care. Any of them should be qualified to handle most addiction cases.

Also, some services exist that will match you with a qualified provider based on your circumstances and the coverage you have from BCBS of Minnesota. They take care of the small details and make sure that the provisions of your coverage are adequate and appropriate for the treatment center you ultimately end up choosing.

What is Detox?

Detox, or detoxification, is the removal of the addictive substance or substances from your body. It can be a long and drawn-out process, depending on the circumstances of the addiction. Some patients may be bedridden for weeks, while others might detoxify within a couple of days. Each case is different, but what they all share in common is they present a risk to the person detoxifying.

Detoxification is technically a medical procedure and should only be managed by healthcare professionals. During the process of detoxification, your body is going through some very stressful moments as it suffers from the lack of drugs or alcohol. The suffering occurs because the body has developed a dependence on these substances and “needs” them to function. Detox is meant to break this dependence.

What are the Differences Between Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment?

Outpatient treatment is a less intensive form of care that allows you to go about your daily routine and receive treatment for addiction at the same time. It is best suited for those with a firm grasp of their addiction and who are capable of battling the temptations of the world around them.

Inpatient care, on the other hand, requires you to remain in treatment and onsite for 24 hours a day for the duration of the treatment, which could be anywhere from 30 to 90 days. During this stay, you will have access to round-the-clock medical and mental health care, and your meals will be prepared for you. Besides visitor days, you will be barred from contact with the outside world until your treatment is complete.

Get the help You Deserve Today.

Cost no longer has to be an obstacle on your road to recovery. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota offers plans that cover the quality treatment you or your loved one needs. Contact us for more information and to get started on your road to recovery.