Detoxification is an essential process for addicts. All addicts need to detoxify their body to get rid of the effects of drugs and alcohol. This process doesn’t take place overnight. Addicts are strongly encouraged to get registered with a detox program for effective treatment. Since this process is necessary for getting rid of the effects of drugs (and alcohol), many people want to know how much time it takes to complete. The answer to this question will vary by every individual. However, the following material will provide a realistic timeline for this process.

The Average Length of Detoxification Programs
Detoxification programs are usually offered in 30-day intervals. The time intervals for these programs include 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day patient treatment. Patients can receive inpatient care, which takes place within a facility. Outpatient service is also available. This happens typically between 6 – 10 hours a day. Most outpatient service programs last about 8 hours. Once the person completes their services for the day, they are free to leave. They have to return the next day to complete the service.
Most programs require weekend service. This way, the detoxification program is continuous and is not interrupted. It usually takes about 30 days to complete a detoxification program. This is the minimum amount of time needed for the average person to get over their addiction to drugs. While the 30-day time frame is the average, there are 60-day and 90-day programs.
Remember, each person responds to treatment differently. While many people can get through the process in 30-days, some people will need to take be registered for 60 and 90-day services. Truthfully, some people will need six months of complete detoxification services. In some instances, some people must be given detoxification services for at least a year.
Rapid and Anesthesia-Assisted Ultra Rapid Detox
Both these versions of detoxification work on the principle of sedating a person while their body withdraws from drugs. This process takes the same amount of time as most detox programs and processes. However, many people consider it a risky procedure because patients can deal with dangerous or unwanted side effects. Still, some treatment facilities offer this type of service.
A Person’s Mind will Also Take Some Time to Heal.
Detoxification focuses on getting a person’s body released from drug addiction. This process also focuses on the mind. The mental aspect is also essential to detoxification. This is why counseling, support groups, and mental health services are provided for patients. A person’s mental state will impact how well they can get free from the grip of drugs.
An addict will need time to change their thinking. Remember, most people don’t just wake up one day and become addicted to drugs. That type of situation does happen, but it is infrequent. Most people get addicted to drugs through repetitive use. Typically, many underlying causes are driving people to become addicted to drugs. As a result, these issues impact a person’s mind. An addict will need to address these issues if they want to get free from drugs and stay clear from them. Providing this type of service could take years, and it will more than likely be an ongoing progression.
A Person’s Finances and Insurance Will Also Impact Their Healing Time
Drug treatment programs can be costly for people who don’t have insurance. Even with insurance, an addict might only receive a 30-day treatment plan. Also, if they need more time to heal, they might have to cut their treatment services short if they don’t have enough cash to complete it. Finances and insurance are two other significant factors that will influence a person’s treatment. No addict can underestimate how important a role their finances will play in their treatment.
How long does it take for a heroin addict to withdraw from drugs?
A heroin addict will generally start to crave another hit of this drug within 6 – 12 hours after their last hit. If a heroin addict doesn’t get their next hit within a 12-hour time frame (from their previous hit), they will then start to experience withdrawal symptoms. By day 3 or 4, if they still haven’t had any heroin, their desire for this drug will peak. Once they have gone between 5 and 10 days without any heroin, their body will have been freed from addiction.
However, here is the issue. A person can try to detox from heroin on their own, but this is a dangerous thing to do. This is especially true for people who are severe addicts. I won’t deceive you by saying that no person was able to get free from the grip of heroin addiction without the assistance of a treatment program. However, a detox program is the most effective and safest way for a person to eliminate their drug cravings with a reduce risk of harming themselves in the process.
How Long Will it Take to get free from Alcohol Addiction
Alcoholics also have a tough time getting free from this drug. While most people don’t view alcohol as a drug, it is technically classified as a narcotic substance. However, it isn’t banned like the other illegal narcotics that are on the government’s list of prohibited substances. When an alcoholic stops drinking, they will need another drink within 6 hours. If they don’t get this drink, they will then start to go into withdrawal symptoms.
Treatment specialists state that an alcoholic will go through withdrawal symptoms that could lead to seizures after those 6 hours have ended. Within 12 – 24 hours, hallucinations could occur. After going a day or two without a drink, an alcoholic will then start to experience physical problems. By the 4th to 6th day, a person will begin to suffer serious physical problems that could kill them. By the 7th day, an addict could experience the worse part of their withdrawal. This could last up to a month. As you can see, alcohol addiction does take some time to overcome.
Extended Care Options is Another Option for Addicts
An extended care option is also available within most facilities. This option often provides patients with more time to heal and overcome their addiction. This service typically lasts for more than three months. It is a safety net for addicts who strongly believe that they will fail without extra support. A person could spend as much as a year inside of an extended treatment program. Once again, the cost is going to determine how long a person will be able to receive this type of assistance.
Ultimately, it will take about a month for a person to get off drugs and/or alcohol. Once they have completed their treatment program, they will probably need ongoing support services to help keep them free from relapsing. Also, some addicts will probably need to continue their outpatient treatment services for many years into the future.