How to Pay for Drug Rehab: ComPsych Insurance
ComPsych is the most extensive employee assistance program provider in the world. The company has a presence in 160 countries and services more than 109 million people. ComPsych incorporates a resource platform that integrates employee absence management, behavioral health, physical wellness, and basic employee assistance programs.
Detox Services
Unlike many healthcare providers in the United States, ComPsych is straightforward about its cost management. The level of care is the same regardless of what type of plan you have. If you get your insurance through ComPsych, the company covers 80 percent of network facility hospitalization costs and 60 percent of hospitalization costs when you enter a non-network hospital.
If you need to do a medically supervised detox program before entering rehab, this counts under the hospitalization clause. Whether you’re detoxing in a specialized facility or a traditional hospital, the care provided is the same as what you’d get in a conventional hospital setting.
Before entering treatment, though, you will need to get in contact with the Member Assistance Program. This program, provided by the company, is how you’ll receive approval for the treatment. The insurance company needs proof that the detox and rehab services are required before it will offer policy coverage. If you don’t get this approval, you’ll be paying all of your treatment costs out-of-pocket.
Rehab Services
If you get your insurance through ComPsych, your plan will have coverage for certain types of drug rehabilitation. You must get them pre-approved, though, just like with the detox services. Both hospitalization and outpatient treatment are covered 80 percent for in-network and 60 percent for out-of-network.

In addition to getting a pre-approval, you’ll usually be required to undergo counseling sessions with a ComPsych counselor. Up to five of these sessions can be provided for free. During the sessions, the counselor will evaluate your home environment, health history, current needs, and financial situation. The counselor will make a treatment recommendation depending on your circumstances. ComPsych will then cover that treatment, and any additional services you seek will need to be paid out-of-pocket.
Length of Treatment Covered
The length of the treatment is directly related to the judgment of your ComPsych counselor. The company doesn’t believe that there’s a one-size-fits-all approach or algorithm that can determine the right healthcare practices for every individual. That’s why they have trained counselors to provide evaluations. It helps the company to make sure that people get the treatment they need without skyrocketing costs.
The counseling sessions are private and discreet. You might even pick up a skill or two while you’re there, which can be vital if you’re not sure you can afford longer-term treatment. When a person undergoes hospital stays and private inpatient services, the majority of ComPsych plans are designed to cover a maximum of 180 days for every calendar year. That’s about half the year — significantly more than many other insurance companies will cover.
As for outpatient services, the amount of treatment covered doesn’t tend to be limited by sessions or days. There’s no cap on the number of counseling sessions you can have in any given week, month, or calendar year. Instead, the plan determines a maximum dollar amount that the company will cover. Once you meet this threshold, you have to pay for the additional services out-of-pocket.
This means that more inexpensive outpatient providers will offer coverage for more sessions. It also means that partial hospitalization programs, which tend to involve intensive therapy for multiple hours about five days a week, might quickly run up your total. You can talk to an insurance representative or ComPsych counselor about your concerns regarding treatment.
Luxury Rehab Facilities
Luxury rehab facilities are not covered through ComPsych. If you want to stay at one of these resort-like places, you’ll need to pay for treatment from your pocket. But it’s important to note that you’ll still get the same quality and level of mental health treatment in a more traditional setting. The only difference is that you won’t have access to luxury amenities similar to those you’d find at a resort.
Before you settle on a treatment facility, you should do some research to determine the best place for you. The most affordable option will be one that exists in the ComPsych network. But beyond that, there are the following things to keep in mind:
- How close the location is to your home
- Travel costs for yourself and family members if it’s far away
- Success rate of treatment
- Prior patient reviews
- Amenities and services provided
It’s essential that the treatment facility you choose to be a place where you feel safe and capable of vulnerability. It should be an environment that’s geared toward healing and moving forward.
Outpatient Versus Inpatient Costs
One of the unique things about ComPsych is that it covers 80 percent of in-network treatment costs regardless of whether the facility is inpatient or outpatient. For out-of-network expenses, the company covers 60 percent of the costs.
Since you’ll be paying either 20 or 40 percent of the total cost, though, you should keep in mind that inpatient treatment is significantly more expensive than outpatient treatment. This is because inpatient treatment covers the cost of housing, food, and twenty-four-hour supervisory care.
Though ComPsych will cover inpatient and outpatient care at the same rates, it’s important to note that the company does not cover the residential treatment. This means that you won’t receive coverage if you choose to participate in a residential rehab program instead of engaging in an outpatient program following detox. For more clarification about what types of rehab count as “residential” treatment, you should talk to a ComPsych representative.
Covering What Isn’t Covered by ComPsych
ComPsych only covers anywhere from 60 to 80 percent of your treatment costs. That means that you’re left paying 20 to 40 percent out of pocket. With hospitalization programs for detox, which run in the thousands of dollars, that can be a hefty medical debt. The same is true for intensive outpatient programs and expensive counselors. Depending on what services you need, you could end up paying several thousand dollars.
It’s important to anticipate this need and plan for it. You can talk to the intake counselor at your treatment facility about your financial situation and how to handle it. Some common ways to come up with the money include:
- Long-term payment plans that allow you to pay back a little of the cost each month over several years
- Obtaining a personal loan from your bank or another financial institution
- Borrowing money from family members or friends who are willing and able
- Selling assets and valuables that you own
Getting the Best Treatment
Finding out what’s covered in your treatment plan can feel a little overwhelming. That’s particularly true if you’re also struggling with the pain from addiction. One of the best things you can do is get a counselor to guide you through your options and make an educated recommendation. One of the benefits of ComPsych is that the company provides free counseling sessions to determine the best treatment method.
When you’re picking a treatment program, make sure that you’re aware of your individual needs. Looking for a facility that matches your needs will significantly increase the chances of a successful rehab. Rehabilitation isn’t one-size-fits-all, so you should get to pick what’s right for you.