Tricare is the healthcare program for military service members and their family members and dependents. Previously, it was known as the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS). Tricare provides coverage for all branches of the United States military (Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard) as well as the Commission Core, the Commission Core of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, and the United States Public Health Service. Coverage is provided for active military members, some reservists, and retirees, their dependents, and beneficiaries.

To assist military members with treatment for substance abuse disorders, Tricare expanded its mental health benefits to include coverage for addiction treatment in 2017. This additional expansion of mental health benefits enables military service members and their dependents to receive much needed, valuable substance abuse treatments via a network of Tricare approved providers.
Tricare and Drug Rehab
Tricare offers several plan options for those interested in receiving treatment for substance abuse disorders. These plans vary based on active military enrollment and status. Eligibility requirements must be met for enrollment in some plans. If you are interested in using Tricare for substance abuse coverage, you are encouraged to thoroughly review the available plans to determine which is plan is the best for your needs.
Coverage Plans
Tricare insurance offers several plan options to suit your coverage needs. Plan availability is based on military status, affiliation, and residency.
Tricare Standard and Extra
Effective January 1, 2018, the Tricare standard and extra plans were discontinued and replaced with Tricare Select. The standard and extra plans provided health coverage to military members and beneficiaries through any civilian health care provider that was payable under Tricare regulations. The extra option function as PPO coverage. Although there were no enrollment fees for the standard and extra plans, members were responsible for paying annual deductibles, co-insurance, and other expenses.
What is Tricare Prime
This is an HMO plan that requires the selection of a primary care physician (PCP) as well as referrals and authorizations for specialty care. This plan is available for those in prime service areas globally. In general, members seek treatment via the Military Treatment Facility (MTF). These limitations in provider choice reduce out of pocket costs. Active duty members are required to enroll in Tricare Prime, while family members have the option of enrolling in Tricare Select.
Tricare Prime Remote
This plan provides coverage for military members and their families on remote assignments. Coverage is provided via civilian healthcare providers as opposed to the Military Treatment Facility. To be eligible for this plan, the military personnel must live and work more than 50 miles from the nearest Military Treatment Facility. This plan is only available in the United States.
Tricare Prime Overseas
This overseas plan offers Prime coverage for active-duty military members, reserve, guard, and their families and dependents who are currently stationed overseas. Family members and dependents must be listed on the permanent change of station orders, relocation orders and are presently meet all eligibility requirements in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) to be eligible for enrollment.
Tricare Prime Overseas Remote
This plan offers Prime coverage for active-duty military members, reserve, guard, and their families and dependents who are currently stationed overseas in a remote area. Family members and dependents must be listed on the permanent change of station orders, relocation orders and are presently meet all eligibility requirements in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) to be eligible for enrollment.
What is Tricare Select
Tricare Select replaced Tricare Standard and Extra in 2018. This is a preferred provider plan that enables members to self-manage their health care options by choosing their health care providers. There are enrollment fees for this plan.
Tricare Select Overseas
This is the replacement plan for the now discontinued Tricare Standard Overseas. This is a preferred-provider, self-managed plan offering military members and their families more flexibility in choosing healthcare options while stationed abroad. There are enrollment fees for this plan.
Tricare for Life
Considered wraparound coverage for Medicare Part A and Part B, this plan is for those existing Tricare eligible beneficiaries. Enrollment is not required as it is provided automatically for those with Medicare Part A and Part B. With this plan, Tricare pays the remaining medical expenses after Medicare in the United States and the United States Territories. Under this plan, beneficiaries are required to pay Medicare Part B premiums. Overseas where Medicare coverage is not applicable, Tricare acts as the primary payor. Thus, members overseas will be responsible for Tricare’s annual deductibles and other fees.
Tricare Reserve Select
This is a premium-based plan available world-wide for select, qualified reserve members and their families. Those interested in enrolling in this plan must meet specific reserve eligibility criteria. Under this plan, members will pay monthly premiums, an annual deductible, and a cost-share for covered services.
Tricare Retired Reserve
This is a premium-based plan available world-wide for qualified select retired reserve members under the age of 60 and their family members or survivors. Those enrolling in this plan must meet specific reserve eligibility criteria.
Tricare Young Adult
This insurance option is available for adult, unmarried children 21-25 years of age that have aged out of the traditional Tricare coverage. Members must be a child of a sponsored, eligible military personnel. Members must also not be eligible for employee-sponsored healthcare coverage through their employer. Age of eligibility may be higher if the young adult is a full-time college student, and the military sponsor provides more than 50 percent of The Tricare Young Adult plan provides full medical and pharmacy benefits.
Choose Your Tricare Plan
With the available Tricare plans, you have various ways to obtain a coverage plan to pursue substance abuse treatment. Tricare offers comprehensive health care coverage for a variety of substance abuse treatments. To learn more about each Tricare insurance option, contact a Tricare insurance representative.